Strategies to Start a Thriving Business with Little-to-No Capital

Image: Pexels

Starting a business seems impossible when you’re short on funds, but fear not. There are strategies and creative ways to kickstart your entrepreneurial journey, even with minimal to no capital. New Century Dynamics Executive Search explains how:

Apply For Grants

Grants are like hidden treasures waiting to be discovered. They are funds given by organizations that you don’t have to pay back. Look for grants specifically designed for small businesses and ensure your business proposal is compelling enough to win. Additionally, explore local government grant programs that may provide financial support. Don’t forget to leverage networking opportunities and seek recommendations from mentors in your industry.

Learn the Power of Crowdfunding

In the digital age, notes that crowdfunding has emerged as a powerful tool for raising funds. Platforms such as Kickstarter and Indiegogo allow you to present your idea to the world and raise small amounts from many people. To maximize your chances of success, create a compelling story behind your project, offer enticing rewards to backers, and engage with your supporters through regular updates. Remember, crowdfunding is about raising funds and building a community around your idea.

Keep a Close Eye on Your Credit Score

Your credit score is your financial report card, and a good grade can help you secure business loans with favorable terms. Make it a habit to monitor your credit score regularly and take steps to improve it if needed. Pay your bills on time, keep your credit utilization low, and avoid opening unnecessary credit accounts. Additionally, consider working with a credit repair agency or seeking professional advice to optimize your credit score.

Entice Customers with Pre-sales

Landingi points out that pre-sales or pre-orders can work like magic to generate startup capital. It’s like selling your product before it’s even launched. Not only does it bring in funds, but it also helps gauge market demand and create excitement among customers. Offer exclusive discounts or limited edition versions to incentivize early purchases. Leverage social media and email marketing to create buzz and encourage potential customers to take advantage of the pre-sale offers.

Win Hearts Through Content Marketing

Content marketing is an inexpensive yet effective way to build your brand and attract customers. By offering valuable content through blogs and social media posts, you can establish your expertise, earn trust, and engage your audience. In addition to creating high-quality content, optimize it for search engines to increase visibility. Collaborate with influencers or industry experts to expand your reach and leverage user-generated content to foster a community around your brand.

Use a Content Management System

Leveraging a content management system (CMS) can significantly enhance your business by enabling the seamless generation, modification, and supervision of digital content, including web pages and blog articles. By employing a CMS, you can update and publish digital creations. Moreover, numerous team members can work together on content production and distribution, simplifying operations and enhancing productivity.

Bootstrapping Your Way to Success

Bootstrapping is about starting and growing your business with savings or revenue. It might involve juggling multiple roles and making sacrifices, but it keeps you in control and minimizes debt. In addition to self-funding, explore creative cost-cutting strategies such as sharing office space, utilizing free or low-cost software tools, and negotiating favorable terms with suppliers. Remember, every penny saved is a penny invested in the growth of your business. Stay focused, persevere, and celebrate small victories along the way.

Starting and thriving in business with little to no capital is challenging but not impossible. By exploring grants, utilizing crowdfunding, maintaining a good credit score, leveraging pre-sales, embracing content marketing, and bootstrapping, entrepreneurs can pave their path to success. With perseverance, strategic thinking, and a strong focus on building a community and delivering value, aspiring business owners can overcome financial limitations and turn their dreams into reality.

New Century Dynamics Executive Search benefits its clients from our broad-based portfolio of experience in “hands-on” line and staff roles for growing concepts and turnarounds. Contact us today to learn more! 770-354-2817.

The Turning Point

Cabernet Steakhouse

Wednesday night, I did something I have not done in a long time.   I am glad I had the opportunity to do so!   When I say, ‘a long time,’ I mean long before the appearance of Covid-19. Wednesday, I enjoyed a five-hour dinner meeting with a friend and his business associates.  The venue was my favorite Cigar-friendly Steakhouse in the Northern Suburbs of Atlanta.  This meeting included cocktails and a fabulous dinner followed by cigars. As we began our meeting at 6:00 p.m., I made it home before midnight. It was beyond my usual bedtime, yet manageable.

The Invitation

 At the beginning of the month, my friend Tom asked if I was available to join him on the 21st for Steaks and Cigars. He said that a friend was coming to town on business and we should meet. As I said, the location is a personal favorite. I happily accepted.  Fifteen years ago, I placed Tom as a CFO for a regional restaurant brand.  He recently retired from that company, having survived several ownership changes.   It was a long but productive evening.

Arrival and Introductions

Cabernet Steakhouse

I arrived promptly at 6:00 p.m. and joined our party already in the first round of drinks.  Tom greeted me, then introduced Jeff, our host.  Then Jeff introduced his colleagues.  We spent the next hour getting to know one another over cocktails.  As this was our first meeting, we took our time, sharing background information, both personal and professional.  It was a free-flowing conversation, often taking short detours to discuss tangential topics.  We found that we shared many interests.  No one was in a particular hurry to order dinner.

Getting to Know you

We enjoyed a good exchange of ideas. We shared perspectives and insights about the state of the economy and explored how we might work together.  We also discussed opportunities that may present themselves.  Tom told us that although he was retired, he is open to interesting opportunities. He talked about his consulting work with a mutual friend. I encouraged him to consider work as a fractional CFO. This role is in great demand and would provide him a lot of flexibility.  In fact, our host came to realize that he needs the benefits of a good CFO. Tom may have landed his first gig, with a little help and encouragement from me.

It was not all business of course.  Much of our discussion was about where we grew up, places we lived and visited, and personal interests.  We found that we shared many interesting experiences.  It was a great time, catching up with an old friend and meeting new folks.

Food – Beverages – Cigars

Cabernet Steakhouse

Thankfully, I maintained discipline over my food and drink intake throughout the evening.  Two pints of Guinness over five hours is well below my limit.  Although the quantity of food ordered was more than ample, I controlled myself in that area too. The remainder of the evening was for casual conversation with fine cigars and cocktails.   After six hours of sleep, I felt completely normal.  My self-control meant that I was better equipped to connect with my hosts.

The Turning Point

I am convinced that this week was a personal turning point.  This is the first time, since the beginning of the pandemic, that I feel that I am back to a normal routine. Tuesday night I attended a live event with another group.  Although it was of a shorter duration, it included over 50 people. As I write this post, I am looking forward to two more ‘one-on-one’ meetings before the end of the week.

My Takeaway

Cabernet Steakhouse

One should not underestimate the value of personal contact.  Hearing different perspectives from people you know and respect, is most useful.  For example, Tuesday I received validation for my strategy working with a coaching client. I received further validation regarding my belief that tenures are shortening, especially for more seasoned executives.

It is difficult, if not impossible, to close a business deal without building a relationship.  It requires a personal connection.  It is difficult to become more effective without speaking to people who have faced similar situations.  I cannot be sure, but I believe it is time to get on with our lives, including a renewed focus on strengthening personal relationships.

Thank you for visiting our blog.

Jim Weber – Managing Partner, ITB Partners


Jim Weber – Managing Partner, ITB Partners

Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

I hope you enjoyed our point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox.  Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so; please leave a comment.

The BEST Consultant!


Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counselors, there is safety.  Proverbs 11:14

I have a lot of professional friends who are consultants in a variety of fields of discipline, as am I. So this blog post is not intended to slam any of them or any other consultant or advisor.

I’ve worked with hundreds of business owners over the years and I came to the realization over time that businesses try to talk to their owners!

A business will try to tell their owner if someone is stealing from them, or if their scrap or rework is too high if their marketing isn’t working, which employees are most valuable, which customers are making the most of their profits if their productivity is slipping, and on and on – – –

The question I then ask these business owners is: “Do you have the ‘ears’ to hear what your business has been trying to tell you for the last 20  years?”

It’s humorous when they non-verbally shake their head side-to-side, acknowledging that in fact, they can’t!  Their business IS their VERY Best consultant, but they can’t understand what it is trying to tell them because they do not have it structured to provide its wisdom in an understandable “language.”

It’s like a radio station broadcasting EVERYTHING about the business 24/7, but the business owner doesn’t have their “receiver” set to the proper frequency!

You may have seen the NetSuite commercial where the founder says, “If you don’t know your numbers, you don’t know your business!”  And he is absolutely right!

Most business owners understand the fundamentals of a P&L – income and expenses over time. They can look down the expense sheet, see “Telephone” “$350!” “Got it!”

But put a Balance Sheet in front of them and the fog starts rolling in!  And most have never even heard of a Statement of Cash Flows!

But this “Three-legged Stool” is designed by CPAs to primarily do their taxes, and they are by design and utility, historical records – a ‘backward’ look at the business. In a sense, it is like driving down the road with the windshield of their truck painted black trying to steer by looking in the rearview mirror!

Business owners need FORWARD-looking management reports that can tell them on a daily, or even minute-to-minute, basis, where they are going.

One critical report is an Exception or Variance Report! But the business owner MUST have a BUDGET before they can have an “exception!”

I always ask the business owner if they have a budget, and if they say “No,” I assure them that they DO in fact have a budget, the only question is: “Who wrote it?”  Because if the business OWNER did not write the budget, the BUSINESS is writing it for them!  And it is an UNCONTROLLED Budget!!  Not one that drives increased profitability!

The other essential forward-looking management report is a KPI or Flash Report or a Dashboard report that captures all the data most relevant to the performance of the business. These must be custom designed from an in-depth analysis of the business and its processes.

In closing, many small to mid-market, privately held companies need help with their basic accounting package to get their Chart of Accounts cleaned up and a budget added to their system. Another sign that this has to be a priority is if there are maverick spreadsheets or other rogue financial reports being utilized in the operation OUTSIDE of the main accounting system.

So, take heart, my fellow consultants!!  Just get comfortable being the SECOND BEST consultant your client has AFTER you help them get their financial reporting house in order!!

Ralph C. Watson, Jr.  404.520.1030

Thank you for visiting our blog.

Jim Weber – Managing Partner, ITB Partners

I hope you enjoyed our point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox.  Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so; please leave a comment.

Jim Weber – Managing Partner, ITB Partners


Anatomy of a Fractional CFO Engagement

Drew Garner

In the spring of 2018, Rebecca Holderread connected Jim Weber, Managing Partner of ITB Partners, to the CEO for a 30-year-old Atlanta area-based not-for-profit. Rebecca is a member of ITB Partners and a fractional CFO. As she had taken a full-time CFO assignment with one of her clients, she was not able to pursue this engagement herself.


When Jim was introduced to the CEO the extent of his understanding was that this not-for-profit needed a new CFO.  After a few email exchanges, Jim and the prospective client scheduled a face-to-face meeting, late in the day at the prospect’s offices.   The point was to conduct the meeting without alerting the incumbent Director of Finance. Jim said that the meeting consisted of the CEO and two of her board members. The first part of their meeting was an opportunity for Jim to understand the prospective client’s situation.

The prospect is a non-profit organization [501(c)(3)] established in 1988 by the CEO.  This company became Georgia’s first licensed therapeutic foster care agency. In addition to placement and care for foster children, the client provides host home care for adults with developmental and physical disabilities, provides behavioral and life skills coaching for foster youth and adults and through a dedicated program, provides support, guidance, and assistance needed by teen mothers & fathers to succeed as adults and parents.

The CEO told Jim that the current Director of Finance refused to provide financial information in a format that enabled the leadership to effectively manage their business.  She went on to say that he had failed to provide analysis to facilitate thoughtful decisions. Additionally, whereas the CEO wanted to install a budgeting process, the incumbent had no interest in accommodating her directive.  Furthermore, this gentleman had become belligerent and insubordinate toward leadership. The situation had become intolerable, so a change had to be made

Not surprisingly, there were budgeting constraints on the compensation available for a replacement.  Based on his understanding of the situation, Jim pitched them on engaging a fractional CFO.  He explained the concept to the prospect, ensuring them that they could achieve their objectives without significantly impacting the P&L.   The CEO liked that idea and agreed to interview several highly capable fractional CFOs affiliated with ITB Partners.  I was the first on the list and met with the CEO.  We connected so well that leadership decided not to talk to anyone else.  I was hired for the engagement and their Director of Finance was terminated.

CFO Services Engagement:

When I started the engagement, I understood that the client was looking for better team collaboration and alignment with the fractional CFO. The CEO and the new Board of Directors (BOD) expected me to lead the financial position, to provide more timely and insightful financial statements and analytics, budgeting/forecasting, cash flow management, and strategic planning.  What I soon learned that the timing of taking on this assignment and the termination of the Director of Finance was problematic.  It was tax and reporting season, so I had to scramble.


Focus Areas and Results to Date:

  • Fully conformed financial statements to GAAP
  • Transitioned accounting package from desktop to the online version to improve efficiency and data security
  • Created a new monthly financial statement package meeting both internal & BOD requirements
  • Refined and extended forward view of cash forecasting, with a focus on liquidity management
  • Provided counsel/analysis to CEO leading to a favorable outcome in renegotiating a material vendor debt
  • Developed financial analysis to evaluate the profitability of various programs
  • Partnered with the CEO, to develop strategies and related financial plans for key programs
  • Developed annual budget for each dept and consolidated agency
  • Improved internal controls
  • With CEO, developed components of strategy and management template for execution of a first-ever, multi-year capital campaign
  • Ongoing training of new full-time CFO


A year and a half later, I’m still working with the client.  I provide ongoing support to the CFO with annual audit, regulatory reporting, cash flow forecasting, monthly financial package, and various financial analyses, as needed.  I also participate in BOD meetings, as required.

Jim likes to remind us of the importance of the Fractional CFO.  I believe the value-added services I provided for this client proves his point.  They were able to achieve their goals to improve the management of their business without compromising their financial resources.  Today, they are in a far better position to deliver on their mission.

Thank you for visiting our blog.

Jim Weber – Managing Partner, ITB Partners

I hope you enjoyed our point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox.  Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so; please leave a comment.




Jim Weber, Managing Partner


Author of: Fighting Alligators, Job Search Strategy For The New Normal

Drew Garner to Lead ITB Partners Accounting and Finance Practice Group

Drew Garner

Drew Garner is a C-Level financial executive with over 30 years of progressive leadership roles with market-leading Fortune 100, privately held and private equity-owned companies in the consumer products, retail, construction services, manufacturing and foodservice sectors in both B2B and B2C environments. He has consistently demonstrated strong leadership through collaboration with executive teams to develop and implement strategy, gain organizational buy-in, develop execution methodologies, deliver profitable results and manage positive change in growth companies as well as turnaround scenarios. Drew is a Certified Public Accountant and has an MBA degree from the University of Georgia.

Drew Garner has been a member of ITB Partners since May of 2017.  For the past year, and currently, Drew has been engaged as a Fractional CFO for Creative Community Solutions, a Norcross-based not-for-profit.

Please join me in welcoming Drew to his new role as leader/facilitator of the Accounting and Finance Practice Group.

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ITB Partners

ITB Partners is a Consortium of independent
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We help Managers solve their problems by connecting them with high-quality
Independent Management Consultants.
Our consultants are experienced leaders, discipline experts, and project managers. Our clients are publicly and privately owned mid-caps; private equity groups and their portfolio companies, start-ups, acquisitions, and turnarounds.

Our industry expertise ranges from consumer packaged goods and
manufacturing to supply/chain, logistics, and the service sector.
Additionally, we have depth in consumer services franchising, specifically
restaurant, hospitality, retail.

Call us now to determine how we can help your business succeed.

Thank you for visiting ITB Partners.

Jim Weber – Managing Partner, ITB Partners

I hope you enjoyed our point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox.  Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so; please leave a comment.

Jim Weber, Managing Partner


Author of: Fighting Alligators, Job Search Strategy For The New Normal