Make Better Decisions!

Josh Sweeney Presentation on Culture First Hiring

Recently I observed a prospective client make a poor decision with far-reaching consequences.  Even now, having experienced the repercussions of this decision, he still defends his position.  The fundamental issue was about the deployment of his fleet.  The result was idled employees due to a lack of transportation.   His justification was the cost of gasoline and a driver to move workers to different job sites.  I could not have been more shocked having witnessed this situation.  Productivity and cash flow were lost or delayed.  More importantly, he created angst and resentment among his team members.  Not a good thing.

He decided to allow a vehicle to remain idle at a job site.  Its only purpose was to move people and their tools.  This truck was not available to transport other workers to active job sites.  The ultimate irony was that the vehicle in question had a flat tire.  It was out of service, creating additional problems at the end of the workday.  I can’t help but think that it was poetic justice.

Wrong decisions can take on a life of their own. They seem to spawn other unnecessary problems diverting management’s attention and in sub-optimal use of time and resources. Click To Tweet

We all know people perpetually fighting problems big and small.  Personal and professional.  One person I know is always misplacing car keys and cell phones, among other things.  It would be an easy fix if she followed the “a place for everything and everything in its place maxim.” This weakness is a minor issue, but it’s only the beginning of more significant problems she creates for herself.  Yes, she is a victim of bad habits and more.  Her bad habits bleed over into her decision-making process, creating even more significant issues, which steal precious time and resources.  Poor decision-making habits result in lost productivity, profitability, and morale.

You should view this post as a wake-up call!  It is easy to fall into a pattern of casual decision-making, leading to suboptimal, or worse, disastrous results.  I do not mean to offer specific processes or tools, as ample information is available on how to make decisions for a wide range of situations.  I want to remind you to create a habit of using a structured decision-making process to achieve better outcomes.

Basic decision-making process

    1. Describe the situation
    2. List factors to consider
    3. Determine key constituents to be affected
    4. List and evaluate alternatives
    5. Select the best outcome
    6. Develop a plan of action, including a communications plan
    7. Execute
    8. Assess and evaluate results

Making good decisions is a habit!  Find a process that works for you and employ it consistently.  The above eight steps present a basic decision-making framework.  However, it does not list a “gut-check” as a part of the process.    I do not recommend making decisions based on “gut feel” alone; however, before making a call, check your gut.  This step has never let me down!  I like to include a gut check toward the end of my process.  It has forced me to review my process and reassess my assumptions.  Finally, always review to determine how you can improve the quality of your decisions.  For more on this subject, I suggest you refer to other articles I have written about developing helpful and productive habits.

One of the most enjoyable aspects of my work is helping clients and colleagues improve their decision-making.  It stimulates my intellectual and creative abilities.  My interest in making better decisions is born from my early career as a financial analyst and strategic planning executive.  Today, my clients are eager to learn new techniques to improve their decision-making abilities.  They enjoy the satisfaction of better results from the successful execution of their decisions.  Create a decision-making habit for better results and a happier life.

For more information on making better decisions refer to the articles linked below.


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Jim Weber, Managing Partner – ITB Partners

Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

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Keep Your Projections Realistic: How Small Business Owners Can Realistically Prepare Their Finances

Whether you are a seasoned small business owner or the founder of a startup company, you have a lot of decisions to make. Choosing how to fund your company is one of the first decisions to make. To fund your company and stabilize your financial health, business owners need a realistic financial projection. With a few tips from ITB Partners, you can learn how to create your projections.

Why Emphasize the Importance of Financial Projection

Without a financial projection, you may feel the burden of financial uncertainty. You are more likely to feel overwhelmed by unexpected costs. Accurate projections allow you to make strategic decisions. For example, a realistic idea of your financial situation allows you to know whether you can afford to hire or fire employees or invest in new products.

If you do not create a financial projection, you may not know your expected business income and cannot calculate your business’s taxes for the year. Many states require you to file an annual report every year. The annual report informs interested individuals about the financial successes and failures of public entities, non-profit organizations, and private corporations. The majority of states require you to file a report and pay taxes to remain compliant with local laws and to remain in good standing. In some instances, you could face penalties in the form of fees or business revocation if you do not follow the rules, so it’s best to get expert help when filing your annual report.

How to Create a Realistic Projection

To create a realistic projection, you may want to create a template. Your template should include the following documents:

    • Sales forecast
    • Payroll costs
    • Cash flow
    • Operating expenses
    • Income statements
    • Break-even analysis
    • Cost of goods
    • Balance sheet
    • Depreciation for your business

Instead of falling into the trap of being too optimistic or too cautious, create two scenarios. One scenario can be optimistic, while the other stays cautious. Give yourself the freedom to create multiple different scenarios. Do not guess the top-line number for your sales channel. Instead, outline each step of your process. Identify the market, estimate the percentage of the market you aim to meet through marketing and estimate how many will visit your business and make a purchase. Next, make an estimate of how much individuals may spend on average.

Your financial plan should not be static. Constant Contact suggests reviewing your plan at least once per year. You cannot always prepare for every situation, but you should reassess and take most events into consideration. If you plan to make a large purchase in the future, you may also want to reassess.

How to Simplify Your Financial Projection

A simplified projection includes a balance sheet. This is an overview of your company’s financial health. Include your assets, owner’s equity, and liabilities. You should split the balance sheet to have assets on one side and owner’s equity and liabilities on the other.

To make it simple, work with a professional who understands the industry. For instance, working with an accountant will help you realistically predict your expenses, profits, and sales. Utilize premade templates and software that allow you to input numbers and finish the projection seamlessly.

Using Accounting Software for More Accurate Projections

Creating projections can be a time-consuming and complicated process, especially if you don't have experience with bookkeeping or accounting. This is where accounting software can be a big help. Click To Tweet For example, if you run a construction business, construction accounting software can automate many of the tasks involved in creating financial projections, saving you a lot of time and hassle. And because it can help you track your actual results against your projections, you can quickly identify any discrepancies and make necessary adjustments. This software also allows you to manage job costs and contractors.

When it comes to making financial decisions for your company, a realistic financial projection is critical. Make sure to understand its importance, think realistically, utilize accounting software, and simplify the process as much as possible.

Image via Pexels

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Jim Weber, Managing Partner – ITB Partners

Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

I hope you enjoyed our point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox.  Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so; please leave a comment.

Jim Weber Lands New Golf Apparel Startup as a Client

Jim Weber has been hired by The Golf Cap Company to help introduce its new line of Golf Caps.

Bulmaro Vasquez,  CEO, and the founder of the Golf Cap Company is proud to offer his creation to individual golfers and to golf course Pro Shops.  Mr. Vasquez formed the Golf Cap Company in 2021 in the state of Georgia.  The Golf Cap offers a unique style made of cotton fabric to keep the player comfortable in all seasons.  It has a second brim on the rear which provides additional protection from the sun.  Additionally, this cap makes a unique and elegant fashion statement.

If you are interested in more information about our fine golf cap, email us at

What do CEO’s Need? Velocity via Intelligent Business Processes

Brightwater Consulting

At Bright Water Consulting, LLC (Bright Water), we have worked with many CEOs over the years, and, in our experience, we have identified three key needs:

    1. Operational Excellence,
    2. Innovate with data, and
    3. Run and operate processes.

Bright Water helps companies achieve Operational Excellence by streamlining and automating processes.  The result of these efforts is increased business velocity while reducing cost.

The Bright Water Team helps businesses innovate with data.  The results of our efforts allow companies to glean deep insights from data so they can ask the right questions and get better results.

Bright Water has a deep expertise needed to help companies run and operate processes.  Our process efforts allow companies to focus on delivering the promise of their brand to their customers.

At Bright Water we know that: CEOs and senior leaders need three things: 1) business velocity and agility, 2) continuous cost reductions, and 3) business resilience.  In today’s fast-paced world, it is clear that all companies need to be technology companies and all CEOs need to be technology leaders. Companies that do not wisely drive their business processes with analytics and technology will suffer market losses at the hands of competitors who do.  At Bright Water, we have observed that companies who wisely leverage the application of analytics and technology understand those are the key differences between winning and losing.  We view the perspective of the Chief Information Analytics Officer as never more relevant for enabling the strategy and operation of the enterprise than it is today.

Velocity Matters.  Businesses are nothing more than an aggregation of business processes.  Processes take inputs and produce outputs.  If the output of a business is purchased at a profit, the business can continue its operations.  Otherwise, the business fails.  Anything that a business produces repetitively is the product of the process.  Sound processes allow output to be produced cost-effectively with quality and minimal variation from specifications.  Process matters.

In order to understand why Velocity matters, consider the steps in a typical decision process. A typical decision process can be characterized by the OODA loop. First, the decision-maker “O”bserves the environment.  Next, the decision-maker “O”rients to issues of concern in the environment.  The “D”ecision is made and, finally, an “A”ction is taken.  When action is taken the environment is changed as a result and this change impacts all actors in the environment (they must react to it).  The cycle then starts over again.  It is an endless OODA loop.

In order to demonstrate the value of the OODA loop, let’s imagine a business that completes a single cycle through the OODA loop in 12 units of time.  Let’s say 3 units of time are spent at each stage of the OODA loop.  Now compare this business to a competitor that completes a single cycle through the OODA loop in 6 units of time, spending 1.5 units of time at each stage.  After 6 units of time elapsed, the competitor is beginning to “O”bserve the new competitive environment, having just finished acting on their initial observations.  Meanwhile, the business that needs 3 units of time for each stage is “D”eciding what action to take.  The slower competitor will be basing their decision on an environment that no longer exists, since the faster competitor has already “A”cted, impacting, shaping, and changing the environment.  As the slower business starts to act (9 units of time have elapsed), the competitor is deciding what “A”ction to take, having just finished “O”rienting to the new environment and a particular issues area of concern.  The faster competitor will decide what action to take and actually complete the action.  The faster competitor has now completed the loop for a second time as the slower competitor completes the loop for the first time.  The slower business requiring 12 units of time to complete the loop will always be basing its action on an environment that no longer exists, so its actions will always be suboptimal.  It will never catch the faster competitor.  This is how the fast eat the slow.  This is why velocity matters.

CEOs need to increase the velocity and agility of their business because, if they do not, faster companies will adapt to the competitive environment and evolve more quickly, which puts the slower competitor at a competitive disadvantage that they cannot recover from.  In order to increase the velocity of their business, CEOs must increase the velocity of their business processes.  It is business processes that shape, determine, and produce the outputs that clients pay for.  If business processes are lethargic, the business will be too.

CEOs must ask: How do I increase the velocity of a business process?  There is only one way.  CEOs must automate and improve their business processes.  By doing so costs will reduce as labor is withdrawn and better business outcomes will result as processes execute at great velocity with more certainty and consistency.  Bright Water has the knowledge, experience, and skill sets needed to help companies achieve Velocity through intelligent business processes.

Similar to the OODA loop, Business Process Management (BPM) efforts are dynamic rather than static.  As companies cycle through the OODA loop they change the environment which forces the competition to be more efficient, remove friction and constantly improve business processes.

Business processes do not operate in a vacuum.  Therefore, it is helpful to think about business processes as a set of discrete, but connected, activities often involving a range of related stakeholders such as the business and the IT group.  Therefore, business processes must be specific to the stakeholder mission, tied to the larger organizational context, and current.  To effectively achieve this within an organization, BPM efforts will vary in size, scope, and complexity.

At Bright Water we typically engage with clients leveraging the following basic phases:

    1. MODEL: Identity, define, and create a representation of the complete process so it can be easily understood and communicated.
    2. EXECUTE: Based on the model, develop, and implement the process so that it can be repeatably performed. Apply automation when it makes sense and delivers good value to the organization.
    3. CONTROL: To ensure the process is consistently followed we help the client to set up proper control systems.
    4. MONITOR: Collect meaningful and measurable data to determine the effectiveness of the process in delivering the expected value and benefits.
    5. OPTIMIZE: Use the data collected through monitoring, and feedback into the modeling, to determine if further process improvements can be made.

Contact us directly at Bright Water for a discussion regarding improving your business velocity and agility, continuous improvement, and business resilience –

Thank you for visiting our blog.


Jim Weber, Managing Partner – ITB Partners

Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

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