7 Questions Customers Will Ask About Sustainability

Consumers are at the forefront of the eco-friendly revolution. Multiple studies have revealed what many business owners already know — customers prioritize sustainability. For aspiring entrepreneurs, this means you need to prioritize sustainability, too. You also need to be prepared for the questions that customers might ask about your sustainable business practices. Today, New Century Dynamics Executive Search goes over seven important points that will reveal your business’s commitment to sustainability.


  1. “Where is this product sourced from?”

Where a product comes from often determines whether or not it is sustainable. Products that are delivered via long-distance shipping, for example, contribute to carbon emissions. You can avoid this by sourcing products from local suppliers.


  1. “How does your business benefit the ecosystem?”

Some customers care about specific elements of sustainability, such as the ecosystem. You can answer this question with marketing materials that highlight how your business practices are benefiting the environment. Be specific when you describe and market these benefits.


  1. “Does your business use sustainable products?”

Customers know that sustainability requires a long-term commitment from a business. They want to know that you’re using sustainable products in your daily operations. These products might be pricier than traditional items, but they’re a worthwhile expenditure — and customers will be reassured to know that your business’s commitment to the environment includes sustainable purchasing practices.


  1. “How are you reducing paper waste?”

Paper waste is a major cause of pollution, and well-informed customers will want to know that you’re actively fighting this problem. You can address the issue by replacing your paper invoices with electronic invoices. An electronic invoice system will also allow you to create an invoice with a premade template. Simply customize it with your logo and add any text or colors that you’d like.


  1. “Was your business founded on sustainable business practices?”

You might be asked whether your company has always maintained sustainable business practices. It’s okay if the answer is no — it’s better to dive in and start your business than it is to waste time and aim for perfection. If you’re ready to get started, establishing an LLC is a great place to start. You can start yours with help from a formation service, and you’ll be able to take advantage of less paperwork and minimized liability. However, not all formation services are the same, so check BestLLCServices.com reviews to make sure you’re getting the best deal available.


  1. “How did you learn about sustainable business practices?”

Your successful implementation of sustainable business practices might inspire others to start their own sustainable businesses — and they’ll likely have questions. You can help other entrepreneurs by sharing the resources and research that helped you learn about sustainability.


  1. “How do you balance profit with sustainable practices?”

Balancing sustainability and profit is often a concern for new business owners, and customers who are interested in your business model might ask about it. You can tell them that sustainability often helps businesses grow and generate greater revenue.


Have Answers Ready and Have a Plan for Sustainability

Building genuine connections with your clientele is the key to ensuring your business’s long-term success. Customers who are invested in your business will want to know more about it, and they may ask any of the aforementioned questions. You can strengthen customer relationships by answering honestly and maintaining sustainable practices such as electronic invoicing.

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Jim Weber, Managing Partner – ITB Partners

Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

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