Innovative Employee Benefits

Employers are in the business of attracting and retaining top talent. That’s why it is important for them to offer benefits that make their employees feel valued. However, many employers don’t realize that they have to work at keeping their employees happy by offering additional benefits, as well.

If you’re looking for some innovative ideas to do just that, you’ve come to the right place. In the article below, New Century Dynamics shares some excellent ways to offer appealing benefits to your team members.

Coaching Programs

Training Industry explains that a coaching program, such as the programs offered by New Century Dynamics, is an excellent way to offer support and resources to your employees. These programs are a good option for employers to give their employees the tools they need in order to be successful.

Coaching programs can be done in person or through a digital medium like Zoom, depending on the needs of the employee. If you’re having trouble getting your employees engaged in your efforts, try a business gamification platform to help get your team on board.

Continuing Education

Also, consider paying for employees’ education if the program is related to their job. For example, with a degree in business, employees can learn skills such as accounting and administration, which they can apply to their job. An online program gives employees the flexibility to balance work, family, and school.

Yoga Classes

When it comes to finding a way to keep your employees happy, consider offering them classes or sessions in yoga. Yoga is beneficial for many reasons:

    • It helps create a sense of community among employees.
    • It can be an outlet for stress relief because yoga encourages you to “let go” and just breathe.
    • Yoga can help improve physical strength, flexibility, and balance.
    • Yoga can help with depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues.
    • Yoga can help reduce chronic pain from arthritis, fibromyalgia, migraines, etc.
    • Poses in yoga have been found to help with things like high blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Wouldn’t you like to reap the benefits of more productive, happier team members? Yoga classes are a great place to start to make these things happen in your workplace. You can even create a relaxing, positive space in your office for people who wish to take a yoga break. Just be sure to keep this area clean and decluttered.

Employee Satisfaction Survey

Employee satisfaction surveys are a way to learn more about the issues your employees care about and make positive changes to accommodate them.

Qualtrics notes that conducting an employee satisfaction survey each year will help you get a better idea of how your staff feels about their work environment, company culture, benefits, etc. It can also give you a sense of what incentives your employees need to feel fulfilled.

You can also use these surveys as a way to motivate your team by giving them the chance to voice their opinions. This can lead to increased engagement and productivity.

By conducting an annual employee satisfaction survey, you will get important feedback that will help you improve your company culture and create a better work environment for your employees.

Nutrition Videos for Employees

In recent years, many companies have been offering their employees wellness programs to help them live healthier lives and feel more fulfilled. This can be as simple as providing a few healthy snacks in the break room or as involved as offering health coaching sessions and exercise classes for employees.

One of the most effective ways to improve your employees’ wellness is by providing them with nutrition videos that they can watch at their convenience. These videos address some of the most common eating issues people face, like craving sugar and food addiction, so it’s easier for them to make healthier choices throughout the day.

Daycare Services

Many employees struggle to cover daycare expenses, let alone find a reputable place to take their children every workday. You could give your team members more reason to grow with your company by lending a helping hand with daycare expenses and services.

Not only does offering benefits help retain the employees you already have, but doing so can help draw top-tier talent to your company. Click To Tweet So, see what your employees need and try to accommodate their requests — your business may blossom as a result!

Image via Pexels

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Jim Weber, Managing Partner – ITB Partners

Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

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