Create a Job Search Management System!

While gainfully employed, we are comfortable using systems, processes, and procedures to accomplish our work. We use CRM systems to help us build and maintain our customer base. We have applications to help us with project management and to improve the quality of our teamwork. We use calendars to plan our work by day, week, month, and even year. We have systems to communicate with our customers and prospects, known as marketing. We are comfortable working in a structured environment for a paycheck. However, I find it interesting that many job seekers don’t have a system to manage their job search efforts. As you can imagine, they spend more time in a job search than their better-organized peers.

I am a big fan of Scott Adams. Surprisingly, many people don’t know that Scott Adams is the creator of the Dilbert comic strip. Those that know of Scott’s connection to Dilbert may not know that he earned an undergraduate degree in Economics from Hartwick College and an MBA from UC Berkeley. Scott is an author, an entrepreneur, and an investor. He has written non-fiction books on satire, persuasion, political commentary, and business. Before becoming a cartoonist, he worked for major telecommunications and banking corporations. Scott believes in systems. He has said that goals without supporting systems are useless. I agree. Achievers always use a system to deliver the results they seek. I like his message so much that I recommend his books to my coaching clients and those looking for advice on a job search. I recommend that you become familiar with his work too.

I assume that you know the exact parameters of the job you seek. You know what you want to do, where you want to do it, and your compensation requirements. You have an excellent resume, bio, cover letter, and business card. Your elevator pitch is exciting and provocative. You understand how to make a helpful connection using your conversational skills. You continue to receive referrals to people who can move you closer to meeting with a hiring manager.  Now, how do you manage all of that activity and maintain momentum? Let’s consider the fundamentals of an effective job search management system.

Your Job Search System Tools

      • CRM Program – Gmail, Outlook, LinkedIn, etc
      • Email Marketing List – Your Network
      • To-Do List/Follow up assignments
      • Expense tracking/mileage

Your most relevant job-search tool is your email management program. Click To Tweet Every personal meeting or phone call will result in follow-up actions that must be captured and tracked. There are many options to consider, but I am most familiar with Outlook and Gmail. Gmail or Outlook provides you with the CRM components you will need for your job search. Outlook offers all the power I need from a CRM system. In my business, I use the address book to categorize my contacts as clients, or search assignments, active prospects, and the candidate’s job function, among others. As it is a database, I can query my address book and print reports as needed. Job seekers may want to use a similar method. I make good use of the “Notes” block on each, and there are many additional data categories that you can use.

Secondly, to maintain contact with your network, I recommend a subscription to an Email Marketing Service (EMS). Services like MailChimp and Constant Contact provide you with a professional image while minimizing the risk of losing your email privileges. Most of these services are free until you have 1000 email addresses in their system. Most job seekers will not reach that limit. Use your EMS to check in with your network, at least every other week. Advise them of your progress. Remind them of your ideal situation and any additional information that will help them help you. Similarly, LinkedIn is a powerful application to use in tandem with your EMS.

Your calendar application is an obvious requirement to ensure you are always where you need to be. It helps record reminders and follow-up items. I synchronize my laptop to my iPhone and iPad, so my calendar is always with me, one way or another. I use the Calendly app to make it easier to schedule appointments. Calendly ensures that I do not waste time trying to schedule a meeting. It has proven to be an excellent productivity tool. Your calendar function has the additional capability to improve your productivity. Add links to your appointment to allow you to access files or pull up the LinkedIn profile for your meeting counterpart. I also use MileIQ, which automatically tracks and reports my automobile mileage.

While you are in job search, proceed as if you are gainfully employed, full time. Much of your effort will be communication with your network to expand your reach and eventually talk with hiring managers. Organize and structure your activities as you would if you were employed. Take full advantage of your email management program to keep track of your activities and plan follow-up actions. Use LinkedIn heavily, to enhance these efforts. Subscribe to an Email Marketing Service to keep your network abreast of your progress and remind them how they can be helpful. Track your progress and adjust accordingly. Plan your work and work your plan. Create a system to support your work and evaluate your progress.  Enjoy becoming employed again.

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Jim Weber, Managing Partner – ITB Partners

Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

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