New Source of Contributions For Charities and Churches You Support

Most of us support charitable and religious organizations.  These are the organizations that support the needy among us and/or give us spiritual inspiration and guidance.  They all do great things.  And to do their work, they all need money to support their missions. Unfortunately, until now, our only course of action to provide support has been personal giving and/or to solicit giving from others.

What if there were a solution that could raise large sums of money for the charities and religious organizations you support, not just on a single fund-raising drive, but year-round?  And, what if that solution was literally “free” to donors and coincidentally made you a lot of money?

Most charitable and religious organizations communicate to their potential donors through email, social media, radio, and TV.  These are the perfect channels through which to promote “Cash Back Giving” using the capabilities provided by Retail Benefits.  The following is an example of a charitable giving campaign run by the “Lone Survivor’s Organization”

What charities and religious organizations can benefit from Retail Benefits?

Organizations that regularly communicate to 10,000 or more individual consumers/people who potentially shop on-line are the best candidates.  Most national charities and many of the larger churches will likely fit the profile.

What do I need to do?

The key is to refer Retail Benefits to senior officials in the organization and arrange a conversation/referral.  Before making contact, call me so we can strategize the best approach.

What can I tell my contact about Retail Benefits?

An organization that incorporates cashback fundraising (The Red Cross Shopping App) will realize the following advantages:

    • Year-Round Fund RaisingCashback donations via on-line shopping are automatic and on-going
    • No out-of-pocket expense for donorsCashback is from money that has always been spent shopping. No new donor expenditures required
    • This is a new source of tax-deductible donations – Donor receives annual contributions statement for tax filing
    • Cashback may be designated to multiple purposes or charitable entities – Such as the building fund and the general fund and/or the American Heart Assoc. and the American Cancer Society
    •  Messaging – Communicate directly to donors via the app on time-sensitive and other important information

In our next article, we will be talking about the special advantages for Retailers.  Yes, national retailers themselves are great prospects for Retail Benefits!

I the meantime, if you need more information or if you think you might have a referral, contact me so we can explore the possibilities together.

Philip Davis

Phillip Davis

Philip Davis

Referral Partner

Retail Benefits, Inc.