New Year’s Resolutions – Seriously!

It’s that time again. A new year. The hope for new beginnings.  Time to make New Year’s resolutions.  Is this really meant to be a serious activity? I wonder.   Many take it as a joke while others see it as an important opportunity. I suppose it depends on the individual.  The most ubiquitous goals seem to be about our personal health and well-being. Usually, that means losing weight and going to the gym.  As I recall, fitness center memberships always spike at the beginning of the year, then taper off throughout the year.

The genesis of creating New Year’s resolutions goes back, at least 4000 years to the Babylonians.  They celebrated the New Year by pledging loyalty to their King and promises to the gods to repay their debts.  If they faithfully fulfilled their promises, they expected to receive favor from their gods.  The Romans, and Early Christians had similar traditions.  Today, it is largely a secular practice.  Approximately 45% of Americans make New Year’s Resolutions, with an 8% success rate.  

Making New Year’s resolutions is easy! I do it every year. Accomplishing my resolutions, however, requires effort.  I was curious to know how others view New Year’s resolutions, so I polled my colleagues on the subject, which I recapped in the following paragraphs.

Don told me, “The only New Year’s resolution that I’ve ever been able to make and keep (so far) I made 35 years ago, and that was not to ever make another New Year’s resolution. All kidding aside though, as each year passes, I find myself reflecting on who I am, what drives me, and how I can grow a stronger servant spirit to those I interact with. Therefore, I’d say that an ongoing resolution is to strive to be a better person, to realize & attempt to improve on the areas I fall short, and to always remain open to opportunities to utilize my life experience to help others whenever and wherever I can.” 

Sue said, “My POV may be a bit different than others as well.  I tend to take a more philosophical approach vs. the bucket list…So, it’s more of an inventory of “what really matters? and structuring strategies to get there” and the tactical issues tend to fall into place.  With so much (and needed) focus on Leadership qualities and when put into practice the potential positive impact on the lives of others, this approach resonates with me.”

Don and Sue believe in big general goals.  Their interest is focused on affecting the lives of others. They understand the need to create specific tactics to achieve those broader themes.

Mark wrote, “Life is an ever-changing beautiful puzzle. The best way to make your wonderful life puzzle is to visualize your wanted future experiences and share them with others so they can participate and improve them with you. Setting temporary resolutions or goals may be the wrong puzzle pieces to build your better life. See bigger than simple puzzle pieces for your life. At work, setting goals for projects is good. But for life, goals are too small and rigid. Be flexible and evolve your life puzzle picture.”

John told me; “January 1 is the milestone to turn over a new leaf, go forward with that idea that’s been stuck in your head for months, lose the bad habits that are keeping you down.  Don’t listen to the naysayers that don’t believe in resolutions. I say even if it fails, at least you’ve given yourself an opportunity to feel optimistic, good about yourself and belief in your future. And from there, on to the next resolution, do your best to make it stick. Write it down, tell someone, make a daily commitment to remind someone what your goals are. Find daily quotes for encouragement, “even if you don’t feel like it, get up, dress up, show up and never give up”

Mark and John are serious about creating bold Resolutions.

Richard is focused on execution. “Format your New Year’s resolution in terms of a SMART goal. Especially the part about measurable and time bound.  Share it with friends who you will want to know how you’re doing.”

Eric has a tightly focused Resolution.  “As I mentioned, my New Year’s resolution is to focus on effective communications.   As the old saying goes, tis better to remain silent and be thought a fool, then to speak and remove all doubt.”

Personally, I like to fast forward 12 months to visualize where I want to be, then determine how to achieve that result.  For example, I want to become a more effective leader.  I plan to achieve this goal by listening more; to be more positive; and be more supportive in my personal relations.

If you aren’t serious about improving your situation, making New Year’s resolutions is pointless. If you are serious, it means replacing unproductive habits with productive habits.  In other words, creating new habits.  If you are reading this post, I am confident you are serious about action to improve your situation.

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Jim Weber, Managing Partner