Your Resume is Not Getting Traction: It Is Not Easy to Contact You:

Isn’t cell phone technology fabulous!  And what about those apps!  Awesome!  My little iPhone has dramatically improved my efficiency, allowing me to spend more time out of the office building relationships.  The GolfLogix app has been especially helpful with club selection and tracking my golf stats.  I will likely develop that thought further if I ever set up a Blog about golf.  The point is that I probably spend more time using my iPhone on the job than at my computer.  It is great to be able to respond promptly to an email message from a client or a text message from a candidate via my iPhone.  I never miss a call to my desk as I instantly receive a message from my Voip Service. This feature provides the caller’s phone number and a text version of any message left.  The ability to touch a phone number or email address to respond is vital.  It would be an understatement to say that my iPhone is fast becoming my preferred business tool.  In fact, it is very fair to say that the apps I have on my iPhone create a virtual office wherever I happen to be, so long as I have my iPhone with me.  I am certainly not unique in this regard.   
I become irritated when my candidates or prospective candidates fail to appreciate the importance of my iPhone in my work.  I am certain this will come as no surprise to anyone reading this post.  The first thing I tell my candidates is “help me help you.”  The first rule is to make it easy to find you.  Make it easy to find your resume and make it easy to contact you.  By contact, I mean via text, email, or voice.  My correspondence includes my complete contact information including my website, blog, and LinkedIn profile.  All of my correspondence!  A savvy candidate will add that information into their electronic address book across all of their devices.  Likewise they should provide a complete signature section to make it easy to respond to them;  wherever I am and on my schedule.
Help me help you.

  •        Label your resume file as follows:  last name_first name_year

  •        Provide complete contact information in all of your correspondence.

  •        If using MS WORD for your resume complete the ‘file properties’ menu.

  •        Put my complete contact information in all of your address books.

  •        Become very familiar with my website content and blog posts.

If a candidate can follow these rules it is a signal to me that I am dealing with a savvy professional.  Savvy, at least as it concerns the effective use of technology.  But that is a good start!  Reviewing their resume and talking with them on an introductory call will confirm that opinion.  I am confident that any hiring manager or internal recruiter will think the same.  So, put yourself in the place of your audience; a recruiter or a hiring manager.  Let them help you, by helping them.  Embrace the technology!
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Jim Weber, President
New Century Dynamics Executive Search