ITB Partner, Barry Flink Named to Magazine Board

Longtime community leader brings four decades of management experience, including in the hospitality industry.

Barry Flink

Barry Flink, executive vice president and partner of Flex HR, Inc., has been named to the advisory board of Departures Magazine. The publication is a source for high-end travel, restaurants, hotels, and fashion, shopping, art, and culture.

Flink has 40 years of management experience in multiple industries. His favorite jobs have always been in the hospitality industry. He has held senior-level management positions in Westin Hotels & Resorts, InterContinental Hotels, Service America Corporation, the Greyhound Corporation, and the Peasant Restaurants, Inc., based in Atlanta. He began his career in the hospitality industry as the Hyatt Hotel Corporation’s first national management trainee.

Flink is also an executive in residence at Kennesaw State University and has served on the board of directors of Georgia Tech’s College of Management as well as KSU’s Coles College of Business. He has also served on the President’s Advisory Board of Oglethorpe University.

He has been a visiting lecturer at Cornell University, Washington State University, Florida State University, Georgia Tech, Georgia State University, Emory University, and the University of Guelph and Ryerson University in Canada. He also wrote a chapter for a college textbook, “Business Acumen II.”

Flink was board chair of the Edge Connection and has served on the Small Business Council of the Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce, the board of directors of the American-Israel Chamber of Commerce, and an advisory board of Saint Joseph’s Hospital.

For More information contact:

Marilyn Pearlman

Atlanta Cause Marketing & PR

Phone: 404-298-6910

Mobile: 404-395-2602




COVID-19 HR Quick Guide for Small Businesses* – FMLA for small Businesses (under 500 Employees)

FMLA for small Businesses (under 500 Employees)

There are several basic different benefits under the provision of the Family First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA or Act) and are broken out down below:

General Guidelines:

  • Employers will receive 100% reimbursement for paid leave pursuant to the Act.
  • Employers will get paid for via Payroll tax credits.
  • Businesses under 50 employees can request an exemption to provide the leave under this Act where the viability of the business is threatened.
  • Items in this Act will most likely apply from a date in January that will be defined in the April 2nd completing of the rules.
  • If a business developed a paid leave plan for COVID-19 in the past month, that policy must be exercised prior to using this Act’s provisions (unless overwritten in final instructions).

Paid Leave for Child Care:

If an employee cannot come to work because the employee’s child’s school or daycare is closed, that employee will be paid per the guidelines below:

  • The employer is required to pay this benefit to the employee.
  • The 1st two weeks may be unpaid, or the employer may allow the employee to take PTO, vacation or sick leave this employee has established in regard to the allotted amount outlined in the organization.
  • Thereafter, the following 10 weeks will be paid by the organization at two-thirds of the regular wage, up to $200.00 per day for a total aggregate of $2,000.00.
  • Under guidelines provided on April 2, 2020 the employer will be granted a credit from payroll taxes paid. If there are not sufficient taxes, accelerated payment from the IRS will be available.
  • Details will be available on April 2nd explaining tax credits to maintain the employees benefits during this time.
  • Employers are encouraged to set up a new paid leave code in the payroll system for keeping this expense separate for reporting reasons to get appropriate tax credits.

Paid Sick Leave:

  • Paid Sick leave is permitted if an employee is unable to work because of COVID-19 concerns such as:
  • Quarantine directed by a Doctor or isolation order.
  • Self-quarantine advised by a healthcare advisor.
  • Has symptoms and is seeking medical diagnosis.


  • Caring for an individual with an isolation order or advised by a healthcare provider to self-isolate (max payment is $200.00 per day for caring for others).
  • Employer must pay full wages for up to two weeks.
  • Maximum payment is $511.00 per day.
  • Under guidelines provided on April 2, 2020 the employer will be able to take a credit from payroll taxes paid. If there are not sufficient taxes, accelerated payment from the IRS will be available.
  • Details will be available on April 2nd on tax credits to maintain employee benefits during this time.
  • Once again, employers are encouraged to set up a new paid leave code in the payroll system for keeping this expense separate for reporting reasons to get appropriate tax credits.


Small Business loan:

  • Not approved yet; however, the Senate has strong details on small business loans that both the House and Senate seem to be in agreement.
  • Loans will automatically be approved as a Small Business Loan.
  • If you keep 90% of your employees without Furloughs or Layoffs, the loan will be forgiven.
  • Loan may be used to pay employees, employee benefits and leases for facilities.
  • Amount is undetermined at this time, although one to two months of operating costs has been discussed.


If you must reduce staff:

What is the difference between laying a person off versus a furlough?

  • Furloughs are where the employer agrees to continue to pay both the employee and employer benefits during a set period of time; for example: 2 weeks or even 2 months. Employees should receive a letter from the employer stating the terms and conditions of the furlough including the anticipated timeframe.
  • A furlough timeframe can extend the furlough time. A new letter of terms should be prepared and sent out at that time.
  • A Full Furlough is a complete stop of all work and employees, including exempt employees. Employees cannot do any work including answering email.
  • A Partial Furlough is a reduced schedule. Some examples are working 25 hours a week, or the employee doesn’t come in for the next three days, or work M-W-F etc.
  • For employees with partial furloughs, the employer will need to enter hours at the end of each week through the DOL site (based on the business’s state’s guidelines). The employer should set up an online account for the FID Entity.
  • This data entry of hours work is how the DOL will pay the partial employees their Unemployment payments.
  • Each state may have different guideline so we familiarity with those for each state in which businesses have employees is important.
  • Reiterating that employers are highly encouraged to set up a new paid leave code in the payroll system for keeping this expense separate for reporting reasons to get appropriate tax credits.
  • A Lay-Off not having an employee come back to work for the company. Consider the future months ahead and if that employee is worth bringing back to work. If not, in this case, you would lay the person off. You cut the cord in paying benefits, releasing them for any employee status with your company.
  • Employers ought to set up a new paid leave code in the payroll system for keeping this expense separate for reporting reasons to get appropriate tax credits.

Follow Flex HR’s latest HR advice on the Coronavirus.

Written by Jim Cichanski, CEO, Flex HR, Inc.

* Statistics and government guidance are rapidly changing. This is the most updated information as of 3/23/20. 


The Coronavirus’ Effect on Businesses and How HR is Managing It

The Coronavirus Disease 2019, or COVID-19 has officially started spreading in the United States as many predicted it would. We’ve all seen the precautions to take and how to prepare at home, but what exactly does this mean for your business? In this state of unpredictability, we recommend that companies take steps to make changes and updates now. It is important to build resiliency, stability, and become better equipped to survive through such challenging times.


Employers need to also consider the increase in absenteeism and consider cross-training personnel, so they are able to perform other work duties than their own in case this becomes necessary.


Jim Cichanski, CEO of Flex HR, Inc. a full-service Atlanta based Human Resources firm, advises “the biggest thing to do if you have not done so already, is create a written plan for emergencies (from bad storms like tornadoes, emergency closings, to viruses) which may mean updating or adding to your current Employee Handbook and or company policies.” First and foremost, meet with management as to how to correspond and carry-out the company procedure. Furthermore, communicate this information with your workforce immediately to lessen the emotions and anxiety associated with the hype. Encourage an open dialogue and share newly determined action plans or ones in development.

Some of the major companies such as Coca-Cola, Google, Amazon, and IBM have already put tactics into place such as asking those employees that have traveled out of the country to voluntarily work from home for two weeks as a preventive measure. Others have asked their workforce to limit travel plans or have canceled previously arranged international business trips. You may want to take similar actions.

Here are 5 things businesses should do now to prepare:

1. Revisit company policies and allow flexible alternatives.

Regardless, if employers break down their paid time off from their sick days, employees often come to work with a cold, so they don’t have to use up one of their days. Of course, no one wants for a co-worker to come to work sick, but they do so in order to save their days for when they are very ill or if their child must stay home from school sick. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention have recommended that employers establish flexible, “nonpunitive” policies, encouraging employees who are sick or exhibiting symptoms to stay at home. A spokeswoman from IBM noted, “IBM is having employees work from home where recommended and deciding on participation in large meetings and trade shows on an individual basis.”

Often small companies may not be able to afford all the luxuries like paid time off, or even allowing employees to work from home as a large company may be able to afford. There is no law stating you must pay non-exempt (hourly) employees if they are not at work. For the smaller firms, HR may require employees to use up paid time off, however; in doing so managers will need to open up their policies and allow employees to use paid time off prior to accruing the hours. A simple rule would be to grant them the total years’ amount of accrual, even if they have not earned it yet.

2. Sanitize first. Then sanitize again. And sanitize once more.

It’s an obvious statement that every single person should be following multiple times each day, but with the Flu and now Coronavirus its more essential than ever to stress that the entire workforce should be practicing virtuous hygiene measures. HR knows the prominence of the handwashing posters that should be placed near sinks and restrooms in the office, so now is a good time to ensure these are all in place instructing employees to clean their hands often with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60-95% alcohol or wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. You should also highly consider putting up temporary posters all over your office recommending “Wash Hands Frequently” or “Sneeze into your Elbow” to prevent spreading viruses. Provide alcohol-based hand sanitizer throughout the office (maybe even at each worker’s desk), tissues and disposable disinfecting wipes. Furthermore, check-in with your firm’s cleaning team to guarantee they are consistently wiping down all surfaces, and especially those that are frequently touched such as doorknobs, keyboards, remote controls, desk areas, and the kitchen after each workday.

3. Confirmation of positive Coronavirus test.

If an employee is confirmed to have Coronavirus it is mandatory that the employer notify fellow employees of their possible exposure to the COVID-19. Employers do not need to mention that person’s name under Federal Law, but that there has been a confirmed case and others should be aware. Anticipate that staff may be fearful and anxious and that some rumors will need to be addressed to properly convey the facts of the matter. If an employee feels well but has a sick family member that tested positive for Coronavirus at home, they should inform their manager right away to determine if that person is able to work from home as a precautionary measure.

4. Serious COVID-19 Outbreak preparations.

Every day we hear about the Coronavirus headcount increasing as well as expanding across the U.S. Employers should prepare by putting action plans into place quickly and communicating with your workforce that there is a strategy should it need to be applied. Continue to reassure your staff that the risk of exposure is very low at this time. And although the risk is minimal, employers need to recognize and protect those workers that may be at a higher risk for adverse health complications or be ready to take action to reduce transmission among staff. As people travel to other countries and return to the USA, they may be at risk of this virus or carrying it and not even know. So be knowledgeable and get prepared. Employers need to also consider the increase in absenteeism and consider cross-training personnel, so they are able to perform other work duties than their own in case this becomes necessary. Talk with managers about what work they may need to absorb or what projects they need to delegate to others in this scenario.

5. Ensure technology plans are in place.

Many companies do not have work at home policies, so preplanning is crucial in the event that it becomes necessary for a portion, or an entire organization, to telecommute temporarily. System connections, access to computers and internal networks all need to be predetermined prior to someone simply working from home. Transferring of phone calls and incorporating all the details needed to make that work smoothly needs to be considered and also written out so if the time comes to integrate plans, the process can be easily followed. If your company has an internal IT department be sure to strategize with the team as soon as possible. During this unknowingly challenging period, it’s crucial that Human Resources departments are planning for the worst. Business owners, managers and especially HR ought to take the time to review and update company policies allowing flexibility, communicate the updated protocol, practice hygienic routines around the workplace, create an emergency strategy that includes technology back-ups and telecommuting procedures in the event an employee becomes ill and/or business closure is indispensable.

Flex HR serves almost every industry in all 50 states, including Georgia, Florida, California, North Carolina, and Tennessee, as well as Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Canada, and Europe supporting U.S. subsidiaries of foreign-owned companies.

Our Flex HR specialists serve thousands of different organizations, in countless industries, varying from a few to over 75,000 employees.

To Learn More about Flex HR Contact Us.

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Jim Weber – Managing Partner, ITB Partners

Jim Weber – Managing Partner, ITB Partners

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