From Idea to Business: Essential Tips for Entrepreneurial Success

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Transforming an idea into a scalable business requires meticulous planning, strategic execution, and unwavering dedication. This process necessitates a profound understanding of the market, a crystal-clear vision for your venture, and the resilience to overcome inevitable obstacles. The journey to transforming your vision into a thriving and sustainable business is paved with essential strategies and insights. This article will outline the pivotal steps and considerations for turning your idea into a successful venture.

Mastering Market Intelligence

Undertaking comprehensive market research is critical to understanding the needs of your target audience, staying ahead of industry trends, and gauging the potential demand for your product or service. This deep dive into market dynamics provides a clear view of the opportunities and challenges ahead, enabling you to refine your business strategy and effectively position your offering. A thorough analysis of customer preferences and the competitive landscape is essential for establishing a unique niche in the market.

Blueprint for Success: Crafting Your Business Plan

A detailed business plan is the cornerstone of any successful venture, outlining your mission, goals, target audience, competitive analysis, marketing strategies, and financial projections. This document acts as a comprehensive roadmap, guiding your business’s direction and facilitating the attraction of investors and partners. It conveys your strategic vision, offering a structured framework for tracking progress and adjusting courses as necessary.

Defining Your Edge: The Value Proposition

Identifying and articulating your unique value proposition is vital to distinguishing your product or service in a crowded marketplace. Highlighting the specific benefits and advantages your offering brings to customers ensures you stand out, directly addressing their needs and effectively solving their problems. This differentiation is key to building a robust and loyal customer base.

Securing Funding to Fuel Growth

Securing adequate funding is paramount for the growth and development of your business. Exploring various financing options— from bootstrapping and bank loans to venture capital and crowdfunding—enables you to select the most appropriate path for injecting capital into your venture. The choice of funding strategy is critical in providing your business with the necessary resources to scale.

Expanding Your Network

Expanding your professional network is a strategic necessity, opening doors to mentorship, advice, and business opportunities. Actively engaging with industry professionals, mentors, and peers fosters connections that can lead to partnerships, investments, and insights, accelerating your business’s growth. If you’d like to build your network, reestablishing connections with old friends and classmates is easy with online search tools. Just input their names, graduation years, and the school they attended to find them and possibly renew past friendships quickly.

Strategic Insights: Analyzing Competitors

A thorough analysis of your competitors is indispensable for gaining insights into their strategies, strengths, and weaknesses. Understanding how your competitors position themselves in the market allows you to refine your offerings and strategy, ensuring your business is well-placed to meet customer needs more effectively. This competitive intelligence is crucial for carving out a competitive edge.

Focusing on Customers

Adopting a customer-first mindset is essential for fostering satisfaction and loyalty. By actively seeking and integrating customer feedback into your product or service development, you ensure that your business remains agile and responsive to market demands. This approach is fundamental to sustaining growth and adapting to the evolving landscape of customer preferences.

Prudent Financial Management

Effective management of your business’s finances is critical for ensuring long-term viability and growth. Careful cash flow, expenses, and revenue monitoring allow you to confidently maintain financial health and navigate economic challenges. Implementing sound financial practices is vital for the sustainability of your business.

By meticulously following these steps—conducting thorough market research, crafting a detailed business plan, defining a unique value proposition, securing the necessary funding, expanding your professional network, understanding your competition, prioritizing customers, and managing finances wisely—you lay the groundwork for a resilient and prosperous business. This structured approach empowers entrepreneurs to confidently build and scale their ventures, establishing a solid foundation for enduring success.

Enhance your search for the perfect executive with tailored executive search services from New Century Dynamics Executive Search.

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Jim Weber, Managing Partner – ITB Partners

Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

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Strategies to Start a Thriving Business with Little-to-No Capital

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Starting a business seems impossible when you’re short on funds, but fear not. There are strategies and creative ways to kickstart your entrepreneurial journey, even with minimal to no capital. New Century Dynamics Executive Search explains how:

Apply For Grants

Grants are like hidden treasures waiting to be discovered. They are funds given by organizations that you don’t have to pay back. Look for grants specifically designed for small businesses and ensure your business proposal is compelling enough to win. Additionally, explore local government grant programs that may provide financial support. Don’t forget to leverage networking opportunities and seek recommendations from mentors in your industry.

Learn the Power of Crowdfunding

In the digital age, notes that crowdfunding has emerged as a powerful tool for raising funds. Platforms such as Kickstarter and Indiegogo allow you to present your idea to the world and raise small amounts from many people. To maximize your chances of success, create a compelling story behind your project, offer enticing rewards to backers, and engage with your supporters through regular updates. Remember, crowdfunding is about raising funds and building a community around your idea.

Keep a Close Eye on Your Credit Score

Your credit score is your financial report card, and a good grade can help you secure business loans with favorable terms. Make it a habit to monitor your credit score regularly and take steps to improve it if needed. Pay your bills on time, keep your credit utilization low, and avoid opening unnecessary credit accounts. Additionally, consider working with a credit repair agency or seeking professional advice to optimize your credit score.

Entice Customers with Pre-sales

Landingi points out that pre-sales or pre-orders can work like magic to generate startup capital. It’s like selling your product before it’s even launched. Not only does it bring in funds, but it also helps gauge market demand and create excitement among customers. Offer exclusive discounts or limited edition versions to incentivize early purchases. Leverage social media and email marketing to create buzz and encourage potential customers to take advantage of the pre-sale offers.

Win Hearts Through Content Marketing

Content marketing is an inexpensive yet effective way to build your brand and attract customers. By offering valuable content through blogs and social media posts, you can establish your expertise, earn trust, and engage your audience. In addition to creating high-quality content, optimize it for search engines to increase visibility. Collaborate with influencers or industry experts to expand your reach and leverage user-generated content to foster a community around your brand.

Use a Content Management System

Leveraging a content management system (CMS) can significantly enhance your business by enabling the seamless generation, modification, and supervision of digital content, including web pages and blog articles. By employing a CMS, you can update and publish digital creations. Moreover, numerous team members can work together on content production and distribution, simplifying operations and enhancing productivity.

Bootstrapping Your Way to Success

Bootstrapping is about starting and growing your business with savings or revenue. It might involve juggling multiple roles and making sacrifices, but it keeps you in control and minimizes debt. In addition to self-funding, explore creative cost-cutting strategies such as sharing office space, utilizing free or low-cost software tools, and negotiating favorable terms with suppliers. Remember, every penny saved is a penny invested in the growth of your business. Stay focused, persevere, and celebrate small victories along the way.

Starting and thriving in business with little to no capital is challenging but not impossible. By exploring grants, utilizing crowdfunding, maintaining a good credit score, leveraging pre-sales, embracing content marketing, and bootstrapping, entrepreneurs can pave their path to success. With perseverance, strategic thinking, and a strong focus on building a community and delivering value, aspiring business owners can overcome financial limitations and turn their dreams into reality.

New Century Dynamics Executive Search benefits its clients from our broad-based portfolio of experience in “hands-on” line and staff roles for growing concepts and turnarounds. Contact us today to learn more! 770-354-2817.

Take Your Business to the Next Level With These Strategies

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The idea of expanding your business may seem overwhelming and impossible at times, especially if you’re on a tight budget and fairly new to entrepreneurism. However, there are several simple things you can do to make growing your business easier, and you’ll have peace of mind knowing that these are tried-and-true methods that business owners have been utilizing for years. Here are a few of the best, courtesy of ITB Partners.

Prioritize Innovation

As you chart the course for your company’s expansion, embracing innovation becomes a critical piece of your growth puzzle. Imagine reshaping your operational landscape by harnessing new tech and methodologies, thus catapulting efficiency and slashing overhead. Envision cultivating a workspace where every voice can spark change, breeding ground-breaking ideas that may pivot the direction of your entire sector. Your pursuit of this path doesn’t just keep your offerings fresh; it propels you to the forefront of your industry, making you the standard others strive to emulate.

 Recruit New Personnel

As your business grows, you may need more staff members in order to keep up with demand. When hiring new employees, consider not just their education or experience, but also their flexibility and whether they show grace under pressure. Make sure all necessary paperwork is completed and filed properly before bringing them on board so there will be no stressful loose ends for you to tie up down the road.

 Modify Your Marketing Approach

As you expand your business, it’s important to consider how you can reach new customers or clients. Take some time to review your current marketing strategy and determine what changes need to be made in order for it to be effective in reaching a larger audience. This could include revising your content strategy, creating social media accounts, utilizing SEO strategies, or investing in targeted advertising campaigns.

If you’re going to expand into a new country, change your market research accordingly. You could also start spreading the word by holding raffles and giveaways. For easy-to-use gift card APIs that can make great incentives to lure in potential customers, use this option to easily reward respondents.

Invest in Customer Retention

Keeping your current clientele loyal is as vital as drawing in new patrons to your venture. Think of your relationship with your customers as a journey where consistent satisfaction is key. Engage them with personalized attention and rewards that acknowledge their importance to your enterprise. Listen attentively to their feedback, acting upon it to demonstrate that their voice shapes your business.

Such strategies not only solidify the bond with your existing base but often transform them into advocates for your brand. After all, when your patrons feel valued and understood, they become the most persuasive ambassadors, sharing their positive experiences far and wide. This allegiance not only sustains your existing revenue streams but also cultivates an environment where organic growth is inevitable.

Provide New Goods or Services

Adding new products or services can help provide customers with an expanded selection of options. Careful research into what existing customers want and need is essential in order to identify potential products or services that could be fit for the business. Before investing too heavily in any one product line, you need to make sure that there is enough demand for it.

Use a Cloud-based Project Management Platform

Using the right tools to expand your business is helpful, especially in regard to project tracking options and having an organized project management platform to help teams stay productive. Cloud-based platforms allow teams to collaborate more easily and efficiently than ever before. Investing in the right tools can ensure that projects stay on task and teams remain organized while working remotely.

Invest in New Signage and More Office Space

As your business grows, investing in larger office space is essential. It not only provides room for expansion but also gives customers and clients an impression of professionalism. To make sure your customers know exactly where to go, you should consider installing metal signage outside of the building. This will ensure that customers can locate your business, and it also adds a professional touch.

Grow Your Business with Solid Planning

Preparation is key when it comes to expanding a business, but the rewards can be worth it! From recruiting new talent to investing in a cloud-based project management platform proper preparation can ease the transition and make sure that expansion goes as smoothly as possible. Taking the time now to consider concrete steps will pay off in the long run and can help prepare for any future changes.

 If you’re looking for experienced independent management consultants, reach out to ITB Partners today!

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Jim Weber, Managing Partner – ITB Partners

Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

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How to Grow a Small Business in 8 Steps

Image: Freepik

The modern business landscape is dynamic and fraught with challenges. Achieving enduring expansion isn’t just a matter of increasing sales figures for a few quarters but requires a well-thought-out strategy that adapts to changing market conditions.

From identifying novel ways of growing to adopting robust digital engagement tactics, the need for a multifaceted approach is more crucial than ever. In this article, courtesy of ITB Partners, we offer insights on proven techniques that can catalyze business growth, catering to both fledgling startups and seasoned corporations.

Investigate Untapped Market Potential

The initial step in fostering business growth involves a deep dive into market research to ascertain unexplored opportunities. Using robust analytics tools, businesses should identify gaps in the market, upcoming trends, and consumer behaviors.

This information becomes invaluable when contemplating diversification of product offerings or entering new markets. Coupling this with keen observation of industry-specific trends ensures a proactive strategy rather than a reactive one, setting the business on a trajectory of sustainable growth.

Outline a Plan for Growth

Following the identification of new growth avenues, it becomes imperative to align these opportunities with the overall vision of the business. Creating a roadmap that outlines milestones and key performance indicators (KPIs) provides not just focus, but also a sense of direction.

A well-crafted plan becomes the rudder of the ship, steering efforts toward the larger picture of sustainable business growth, ensuring that every action taken contributes to long-term objectives.

Secure Financial Documents

In the midst of aiming for business growth, maintaining a well-organized set of financial records becomes crucial. Utilizing advanced security features like PDF encryption not only safeguards sensitive information but also makes it easier to retrieve data for making informed decisions. Keeping financial records organized adds another layer of robustness to the business, making it more resilient to unforeseen challenges.

Amplify Digital Engagement

The next logical step is to strengthen the digital footprint. From creating a website that offers an intuitive user experience to implementing comprehensive search engine optimization (SEO) techniques, an impressive online presence becomes a significant asset. Coupling this with an active social media strategy can transform online platforms into powerful tools for brand awareness, customer engagement, and ultimately, business growth.

Strengthen Cybersecurity Infrastructure

Safeguarding your business against cyber threats is paramount. As a small business owner, enhancing your cybersecurity infrastructure not only protects your assets but also builds trust with customers. Begin by implementing multi-factor authentication, frequently updating software, establishing firewalls, and routinely backing up data.

Given the ever-evolving nature of cyber threats, investing in continuous education is beneficial. Taking cybersecurity courses or even pursuing a degree,  cybersecurity programs equip you with up-to-date knowledge and skills. Such dedication not only fortifies your business against potential breaches but also positions it as a trustworthy entity in the eyes of clients and partners.

Utilize Web-Based Marketing Resources

As the digital presence begins to take shape, utilizing online resources for marketing becomes crucial. From crafting high-quality content that educates and entertains to employing targeted email campaigns, the possibilities are limitless. For example, you can find resources and insights on how to develop a winning content marketing strategy. By attracting new customers and keeping existing clients engaged, you can foster a community around the brand that contributes to sustainable business growth.

Engage in Beneficial Collaborations

Building strategic alliances with like-minded businesses opens up new horizons. Whether it’s tapping into new distribution channels or leveraging combined resources for R&D, such collaborations amplify potential and reach. It’s a mutually beneficial arrangement that allows companies to share risks and rewards, fostering an environment conducive to growth.

Emphasize Exceptional Customer Service

Last but not least, investing in unparalleled customer service can set a business apart from its competitors. Staff training programs aimed at enhancing customer interaction, along with feedback systems, help in the continuous improvement of service quality. A strong reputation for excellent customer service is often the cornerstone for repeat business, referrals, and long-term success.

Navigating the complex terrain of today’s business world requires more than just a good product or service. Strategies like amplifying your digital presence, bolstering your cybersecurity, and safeguarding your financial documents can fuel enduring business growth. By adhering to these steps and executing them proficiently, companies stand a strong chance of not just surviving but thriving in the contemporary market landscape.

Give your business an extra level of support by connecting with experienced consultants at ITB Partners. With a multipronged effort, we can help you pave the way for healthy and long-term business growth. Reach out today!

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Jim Weber, Managing Partner – ITB Partners

Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

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Revolutionizing the Workforce: Twitter’s Rebranding and Manpower – By Angela Harmon

Companies are constantly looking for novel approaches to adapt and prosper in today’s ever-changing digital landscape. One such transformation that has attracted the attention of business professionals and job seekers is Twitter’s daring rebranding to “X.” This change has profound implications for the workforce, particularly in workforce provisioning, e-commerce, and marketing. This in-depth study will examine Twitter’s rebranding and its wide-ranging effects on the labor market and corporate environment.


The Evolution of Recruitment Marketing: Leveraging Twitter’s Rebranding

The rebranding of Twitter to X has been instrumental in the considerable change in recruitment marketing in recent years. With its large user base and improved functionality, X offers a unique platform for connecting recruiters and job searchers in a way that has never been possible before. The platform is a powerful tool for recruitment specialists because of its algorithm-driven job recommendations and redesigned interface.


As Twitter repositions itself as X, it opens up exciting possibilities for recruitment marketing. Employers can now leverage the platform’s enhanced targeting capabilities to reach a highly tailored audience. This shift allows for more efficient and effective recruitment strategies, ultimately benefitting job seekers and employers.


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Workforce: Twitter’s Impact

The project’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) stands out among its features.

The new name represents Twitter’s commitment to building a diverse staff and user base. This commitment extends far beyond the company’s internal practices; it sets a powerful example for other organizations.


Twitter’s “X” regularly advertises DEI activities on its platform and inside its ranks. This approach could be advantageous for the entire corporate world. Employer diversity is becoming more widely acknowledged by businesses as a source of innovation and a competitive advantage, as well as a moral requirement. Not only is Twitter’s active strategy for dealing with DEI commendable, but it also encourages other businesses to give priority to these urgent issues.


Professionals seeking to enhance diversity in their organizations can benefit from tools like Squadhelp, which enable them to research names at Squadhelp to create more inclusive branding and messaging. This synergy between social media impact and resourceful platforms like Squadhelp can drive meaningful change in the workforce.

Twitter’s Content Strategy: New Approaches and Challenges

With its rebranding as X, Twitter has also introduced fresh content creation and consumption approaches. The platform’s emphasis on visual storytelling and interactive elements has profound implications for content creators and marketers.


X encourages brands to think creatively and engage with their audiences innovatively. Companies must adapt to these new paradigms as content strategies evolve to remain relevant and competitive. However, this shift also presents challenges, as brands navigate the changing landscape of social media marketing and audience engagement.


Innovations in Remote Work: Twitter’s Influence on the Virtual Workforce

The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of remote work, and Twitter’s rebranding reflects this ongoing shift. X empowers businesses to embrace remote work and leverage it as a strategic advantage.


Twitter’s embrace of remote work and flexible arrangements is a blueprint for other organizations seeking to modernize their workforce practices. By offering employees more flexibility and autonomy, companies can attract top talent from diverse geographical locations and adapt to the evolving expectations of the modern workforce.


Revolutionizing HR Practices: Twitter’s Influence on Talent Management

X transforms external recruitment and revolutionizes internal HR practices. The platform’s advanced analytics and data-driven insights enable HR professionals to make informed decisions about talent management.


HR teams can now harness X to identify skills gaps, develop personalized employee growth plans, and foster a culture of continuous learning. This data-driven approach to talent management aligns with the broader HR trends, where organizations increasingly prioritize employee development and well-being.

Twitter’s Rebranding: The Rise of Agile Workforce Strategies

The rebranding marks a significant change in how companies address several issues, including people management, diversity and inclusion, content strategy, and workforce provisioning. This move has an impact beyond just Twitter; it catalyzes change in the larger corporate environment.


Organizations can embrace more flexible and inclusive workforce strategies as they adjust to the exciting developments brought about by Twitter’s rebranding. By utilizing the power of X, companies may put themselves at the forefront of innovation and cultivate a future workforce that is more alive, flexible, and resilient. The transformation of Twitter from a dominant social media platform to one that embraces X is a perfect example of how the business world is constantly changing and how innovation and flexibility are the two main factors that determine success.



With the launch of X, Twitter signals a dramatic change in the digital world and how it will affect the workforce. Beyond simply changing the name, this rebranding represents a dedication to innovation, diversity, and the future of work.


Businesses can change their recruitment methods, embrace diversity and inclusion, adjust to new content trends, and use remote work as a competitive advantage as X continues to evolve. The platform’s data-driven insights also enable HR professionals to make knowledgeable choices about personnel management.


The rise of X signals the use of more adaptable and inclusive hiring procedures. Businesses may position themselves as innovative leaders and develop a dynamic, responsive, and resilient workforce for the future by leveraging the revolutionary changes brought about by Twitter’s rebranding.


The transition of Twitter serves as a potent reminder of how important creativity and adaptability are in today’s continuously changing environment. Businesses can learn from Twitter’s development as they navigate the shifting digital environment and make the most of X to significantly transform their business.

Angela Harmon is an integral member of Squadhelp’s creative powerhouse. Passionate about storytelling and word crafting, Angela brings a special blend of creativity and strategic thought to her role. Devoted to exploring branding-storytelling relationships online for businesses of all kinds. Her innovative ideas and ability to bring brands alive make Angela an invaluable addition to the Squadhelp team.

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Jim Weber, Managing Partner – ITB Partners

Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

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Brand Positioning – Recent Findings

We Looked Into Brand Positioning in 2022, So You Don’t Have to. Here’s What We Discovered 

For several entrepreneurs, it’ll only take them failing at starting a business or two before realizing that one major reason they failed was that they lacked the strategic insight to prepare for both long and short-term business growth and challenges. 

However, not all entrepreneurs can afford to learn the hard way, as resources are too precious to waste on trial and error. It’s better to know what works before jumping head-first into business. One of the easiest ways to do so is to understand what your customers desire and what type of brand would impress the audience demography you’re targeting. 

And that’s just what we did with our research. We compared businesses with traditional brand tones to those with modern and current ones to see how consumers responded.

Why Did We Perform This Research?

We were interested in discovering more about the kinds of companies that various consumers love and how that varied by age group.

As a business owner, realize that connecting the name of your firm and other branding elements to the demands of your customers can enhance and raise the likelihood that your enterprise will succeed.

In order to reach the study’s goal, we questioned American consumers whether they preferred patronizing companies that use classic brand tones or those with modern tones.

Why’s This Question Vital?

Every entrepreneur should be aware that choosing the right brand positioning strategy is one of the most crucial choices you’ll make when beginning or rebranding your company because it significantly affects brand positioning.

Building an outstanding brand requires a thorough understanding of your target audience and your company’s identity.

Entrepreneurs must dedicate time to getting a good name for businesses and products because the right name communicates a compelling tone that’ll enhance your brand’s positioning and have an impact on how the public perceives you. 

The Main Results of Our Survey

In order to better describe our findings, we divided the data we collected into several age groups. And although the results of our survey weren’t very surprising, the reactions we received were interesting.

Here are the results of our poll of 301 people.

  • Customers under the age of 30 are more inclined to be captivated by businesses with a new and current brand tone, while those older will prefer a more traditional tone.

  • Customers between 35 and 45 years were equally split between modern and traditional brands. With how close the results were, it’s clear that this demographic is open to modern or traditional companies.

  • The results show that customers between the ages of 45 and 54 favor traditional businesses.

  • Customers aged 55 to 65 are particularly aware of the difference in the two options and strongly prefer old and traditional companies over new and modern ones.

  • The study found that men have no bias for modern or traditional companies.

  • Women, in contrast, choose trusted traditional companies over new and modern startups.

  • Of the 301 respondents, 148 of them preferred contemporary, modern brands, whereas the remaining 153 preferred classic, traditional brands.

Based on our results, you can build your brand with either a classic or modern tone, provided that it satisfies the needs of your target market.

Start Positioning Your Business

Building a solid brand identity requires time and dedication. So ensure you apply the results of this survey when coming up with your value proposition, advertisements, and brand name. This way, you can start infusing every element of your business with your brand tone.

Grant Polachek is the head of branding for, 3X Inc 5000 startup and disruptive naming agency. Squadhelp has reviewed more than 1 million names and curated a collection of the best available names on the web today. We are also the world’s leading crowdsource naming platform, supporting clients from early-stage startups to Fortune 500 companies.

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Jim Weber, Managing Partner – ITB Partners

Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

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The Importance of Choosing the Right Consultant

As businesses innovate and expand, they often find themselves implementing unfamiliar tactics. Personnel who are available at the start of a project can lack required skills, and challenges further down the line are bound to stump those without relevant experience. Hiring a consultant such as ITB Partners can broaden a team’s skillset temporarily without the expense of bringing on a new permanent member. Though initially costly, their services save money due to added efficiency.

When To Use a Consultant

Sometimes a project only needs an expert’s assistance in its early stages. Hiring a new employee with the necessary skillset runs the risk of the role falling outside the scope of their expertise or far below their pay grade after the specialized work is done.

Consultants tend to be experts in their fields, focusing on a specific aspect of an industry with far more depth than the layman. Click To TweetWhile some advisors maintain lasting relationships with clients, companies also utilize consulting firms to solve a specific challenge before moving on.

Why Specialization Matters

Consultants are only hired for as long as needed, and the duration of the consultancy period can be determined in advance. They bring an “outsider’s perspective” to a given project. They may see common pitfalls someone less versed in a given industry may miss and can recommend the best solutions from experience.

Consultants cover a variety of specializations, so it’s crucial to select the right one for the job. There is no one-size-fits-all consulting practice that will work across the board. When deciding which consultant’s services to enlist, it’s critical to consider their areas of expertise.

What Types of Consultants Businesses Can Hire

PR agencies are instrumental, as a public relations consultant can help a company establish its online presence and advertise to target demographics. Operations consultants are available to streamline every step of a supply chain, from management practices to daily operations. A fledgling business with a solid product idea but no economic knowledge among its team may enlist a financial advisory consultant to get started.

Workplaces with limited use of computers and networking can opt to bring in a technology consultant when needed, rather than hiring a full-time IT person. There are even lean staffing consultants who help their clients work toward achieving the greatest productivity with the smallest workforce.

How To Find Qualified Consultants

After identifying what type of consultant is needed, it’s time to start searching. Besides the direct approach of researching and contacting consulting firms directly, colleagues from team members’ previous places of employment may have dealt with similar challenges in the past. These connections can point in the direction of consultants they’ve worked with previously. Job recruiting sites are also a useful resource for finding and filtering candidates. When looking for a PR company, for example, it’s possible to check out the ratings and rates of various agencies on a job board before reaching out.

Industry insiders agree that the right person for the job is not necessarily the least costly. Careful consideration should be taken to make sure all needs can be met, without paying more than the industry standard. After this cost-benefit analysis, a fair and specific contract needs to be created to protect the interests of both sides of the transaction.

When facing new challenges in the working world, utilizing whatever methods will produce the best results is crucial. Consultants make it their business to study the unique intricacies of their field to provide their clients with the tools to succeed. Though their services may seem cost-prohibitive at first, they eventually pay for themselves through the contributions to a business’s future.

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Jim Weber, Managing Partner – ITB Partners

Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

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Starting Over: Building a Business After the Pandemic

As the United States emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic, many people are deciding it is time to chase their dreams and work on starting their own business. According to research, this happened many times during state shutdowns. If this is your first time venturing into entrepreneurial aspirations, learn about what you can do to get started on the right foot with this guide from ITB Partners.

Finding a Business Idea That Works

Before doing anything else, it is crucial to find a business idea that works. It doesn’t necessarily have to be complicated. Consider your experience, skills, and education, and what you would like to do.

Perhaps you already have skills as a hairdresser and want to work for yourself. Maybe you have lots of experience with animals and would like to begin a dog walking and boarding business. There are plenty of business possibilities to help you get started.

Setting Up and Making It Legal

Once you decide what your business will involve, decide on a name for your company and begin the process of setting it up. You may choose to make it a sole proprietorship, an S-corporation, or a limited liability company.

If you choose an LLC, know that there are many benefits associated with this, such as limited liability, less paperwork, certain flexibility, and even advantages when it comes to taxes. Depending on the state you live in, there are different regulations when it comes to setting up an LLC, so make sure you research those first. If you want to outsource the paperwork and avoid dealing with an attorney, you can use a formation service to help you.

Networking and Meeting Other Professionals

No matter what stage your business is in, make it a priority to network with others. Click To Tweet This will help you find your new clients, introduce you to professionals to help build your business, and make it easier to get referrals and reach out via word of mouth.

Look for events such as Network After Work. You should also start talking to people you know, even if the last time you were in touch was high school or college. There are plenty of online tools that can help you find contact information so you can reconnect again, allowing you to build your circle.

Creating a Marketing Plan for Your Company

All businesses need a marketing plan. Start putting together ideas of how you want to reach your client base. This can include using social media, direct mail marketing, having a website, going to trade shows, and using promotional materials, to name a few.

If you plan on adding images to your company’s marketing materials or you are working on an image with a graphic designer, you may find it easier to compress JPG files so you can email them with ease. However, compression can sometimes degrade the way the JPG file looks. To combat this, use a JPG-to-PDF converter, which can allow you to make your JPGs into PDFs while keeping the same quality. You can even do this with more than one file at once.

Creating Space and Enlisting Services

In getting your startup off the ground, you want to ensure that you’ve got a designated space at home where you can work. If you go as far as upgrading an unused room to a home office, you may even improve your home’s value. Just make sure that you’ve got the privacy and resources you need.

You’ll also want to set up a great website for your business and see to it that your cyber security is looked after. Online threats are growing ever more numerous and widespread, and they can threaten both your business and your customers’ information. Make sure you are all protected with a comprehensive plan.

Getting Support From a Mentor

Running a business can be hard. Rather than try to go through it alone, get help and support from a mentor. Business mentors can give you ideas on what problems you might run into and provide advice when you aren’t sure what is best for your company.

No matter what your reasons are for starting a business, it is possible to get the support and guidelines necessary for success, as long as you take everything step by step.

This article is brought to you by ITB Partners, a consortium of independent management consultants providing high value-added solutions to your problems. Our consultants are experienced leaders, discipline experts, and project managers. Our industry expertise ranges from consumer packaged goods and manufacturing to supply/chain,  logistics, and the service sector.   Additionally, we have depth in consumer services franchising, specifically restaurant, hospitality, retail. For more information, please contact us today!

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Jim Weber, Managing Partner – ITB Partners

Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

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The Top HR Trends for 2022

If we learned anything from the last two years, it is that we need to adapt to how and where we work. We learned that the world is becoming increasingly more home-centered as work becomes a virtual instead of a physical environment.

As Dr. John Cascone, Sr Vice President at Flex HR notes, “The devastating effects of the pandemic have reawakened the interest in monitoring environmental influences,” and reminds leaders to plan “to adapt quickly to moderate the impact of the crisis on the organization and its employees.”

So, with this new adaptability, here are our Flex HR top HR trends predictions for 2022:

1. An Increase in ‘Employee Wellbeing’ Benefits

As we saw in 2021, there is an increasing awareness of the importance of employee well-being, including their physical and emotional health. This now includes employees’ families, and issues like health insurance and time off for employees to care for sick family members are highly valued.

One study found that 62% of employees value benefits related to well-being and are more likely to take jobs that offer those.

The Future of the Industry Report 2021 also revealed that 87% of employees want employers to value mental health.

As Jessica Stafford, Payroll Tax & Compliance Consultant at Flex HR notes, “Competitive businesses will continue to adopt unlimited paid time off policies in 2022,” which increases “productivity and morale” and presents “stronger financial statements and less work for HR and payroll departments.”

2. Hybrid Work Model Will Continue

The pandemic permanently shifted work to a hybrid model. Surveys reveal that 83% of employees want a hybrid option and 63% of growing companies have already shifted to meet this need.

Therefore, it is vital to have these hybrid and work-from-home policies in writing and in the employee handbook.

Dianne Hartness, HR Client Success Manager at Flex HR shares, “As more companies become distributed and do away with office space it is important to define culture and create connection by using digital tools.”

Some examples of collaborative tools include Slack, a communication tool that promises more productivity and a more in-sync team. Another tool is QuizBreaker, a game your team can play virtually.

3. More Use of Technology and Artificial Intelligence

As we noted at the end of 2021, the use of technology and artificial intelligence will continue to rise in the workplace. Businesses and employees have had to become proficient in using a plethora of tools to communicate, including ZoomWebExSlackStream Yard, and Microsoft Teams, StrivrImmerse, and BodySwaps.

The use of technology has become a top priority for companies as they seek to unify their workforces. Technologies including artificial intelligence, digital transactions, and e-commerce have changed business operations and will continue to do so.

Going forward, it is likely that AI will help HR teams make better decisions and will automate and streamline administrative tasks.

With the move to more cyber time, businesses must now increase cyber security to prevent phishing and malware.

4. Focus on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion and Other Values Matter to Employees

Another trend that is here to stay is DEI issues, which continue to matter to employees and companies alike. As many as 45% of HR professionals are planning to focus more on issues of diversity and inclusion in the coming year, as one study indicated.

Deirdre Huff, HR Client Success Manager at Flex HR, predicts that in the coming year “more employees and job seekers” will base “their decisions to accept employment offers off how well the company handles diversity, equity, and inclusion.”

In fact, Flex HR’s clients have been requesting DEI boot camps to help train their organizations in how to be more equitable and diversity-minded. Our consultants have already begun leading boot camps and informational seminars in the DEI space.

Dr. John Cascone predicts, “The trend toward promoting cultural diversity in all sectors of the organization will continue but coupled with the emphasis on diversity of ideas, values, work styles and ethics operating under clearly defined standards of accountability and outcome performance.”

One study revealed that 80% of employees choose their job based on aligned values, proving that employees want to work at companies that have similar values to their own.

Other values of importance to employees include childcare solutions and work-life balance. In fact, companies that value work-life balance will recruit and retain more employees as the millennial generation takes over the workforce.

Dr. John Cascone maintains that “Work-life balance will shape management practice to support worker accountability and productivity.”

5. Demand for Value and Development of New Skills

In 2022, there will continue to be a huge need for Human Resources expertise because HR is evolving into a much more expansive role.

One Harvard Business Review article predicted that there will be a need to train HR professionals in 21 new types of jobs in the near future. Because of these changes, HR professionals will need to acquire a wide range of skills for which companies are often not able to train them proficiently.

Businesses will need to outsource their HR to firms like Flex HR because of the complex HR challenges that they are facing.

6. Shifts in Recruiting Strategies, Especially to Internal

 With a push to develop new skills for HR and other employees, upskilling employees and shifting recruiting strategies have become essential.

Senior Vice President of Flex HR, Phil Davis, predicts “employers will continue to see higher than normal employee turnover and rapidly escalating wages” and emphasizes the “need for effective recruitment and retention programs.”

Similarly, Heather Summers, HR Client Success Manager at Flex HR, sees the need for companies to “up their game” in the recruitment department, by re-evaluating “their benefits to employees, insurance, offer sign-on bonuses or employee referral bonuses to attract talent.”

Companies that are “winning” at recruiting have realized the importance of training and hiring from within their organization.

As Dr. John Cascone predicts, “There will be a shift away from investing dollars in recruiting new employees to invest dollars in retaining and developing employees.”

Recruiters will need to be more strategic in their approach, finding creative methods for attracting quality candidates.

Different recruiting strategies will include looking for non-traditional talent from within the company, using social media and texting, making company websites look more personable and friendlier, offering higher wages and more time off, and many other strategies we noted in last year’s article on 10 Ideas for Better Recruiting to Attract More Candidates.

Upskilling and training have become essential alternatives to recruiting.

Flex HR’s Laura Ladd, HR Client Success Manager, reminds us, “Studies show that “future-oriented” organizations are making leadership psychology training and development programs mainstream. Such programs include learning about the human brain, how we think, how we analyze data, and how we make decisions.”

Going forward, Dr. John Cascone predicts, “The greater challenge for leaders will be to retain quality employees, not to recruit them Click To Tweet.”

Thank you for visiting our blog.


Jim Weber, Managing Partner – ITB Partners

Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

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On Customer Loyalty and Retention

Mark Fonseca of Pragmetrix Group, leads a discussion on his company’s methodology for the assessment of Customer Loyalty to help their clients develop more effective Customer Retention Programs.  To see this presentation click here.

Mark Fonseca has over 20 years of experience in consultative sales, sales management, and client relations. As a top producer at Lanier Business Products, he sold document management solutions to a range of businesses and was prolific at establishing long-term relationships.
Mark consults one on one with the most successful CEOs and Executives in Atlanta and has interviewed thousands of Executives and Business Professionals. He has experience in Sales, Sales Management, and Sales Training Best Practices. Currently, Mark is the owner of his own private men’s custom clothing and executive image consulting business. He has developed strong business relationships with heads of state, CEOs, top-level executives, and successful entrepreneurs, through one-to-one consulting and exceptional customer service.

As a Partner in Pragmetrix, Mark is responsible for Client Relations, Business Development, and conducting interviews within the Pragmetrix Customer Loyalty Assessment process.

Why Pragmetrix Group? – Insights from our Customer Assessment Process

 We offer you:

    • Overall Customer Net Promoter Score
    • NPS Promoter, Passive, and Detractor Segmented Dashboards
    • Unedited Customer Insights Assessment Transcripts
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    • Growth Opportunities Based on the Voice of Your Customer

What Our Customers Are Saying

“With the words of your customers as their foundation, they extract the issues that your business needs to focus on, so that your customers become promoters, and by extension, you sell more. They were responsive, creative, and the work product is superb. The best money you will ever spend at your company, period!”

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Mark Fonseca, PARTNER
Pragmetrix Group
(404) 983 – 4121