Make Better Decisions!

Josh Sweeney Presentation on Culture First Hiring

Recently I observed a prospective client make a poor decision with far-reaching consequences.  Even now, having experienced the repercussions of this decision, he still defends his position.  The fundamental issue was about the deployment of his fleet.  The result was idled employees due to a lack of transportation.   His justification was the cost of gasoline and a driver to move workers to different job sites.  I could not have been more shocked having witnessed this situation.  Productivity and cash flow were lost or delayed.  More importantly, he created angst and resentment among his team members.  Not a good thing.

He decided to allow a vehicle to remain idle at a job site.  Its only purpose was to move people and their tools.  This truck was not available to transport other workers to active job sites.  The ultimate irony was that the vehicle in question had a flat tire.  It was out of service, creating additional problems at the end of the workday.  I can’t help but think that it was poetic justice.

Wrong decisions can take on a life of their own. They seem to spawn other unnecessary problems diverting management’s attention and in sub-optimal use of time and resources. Click To Tweet

We all know people perpetually fighting problems big and small.  Personal and professional.  One person I know is always misplacing car keys and cell phones, among other things.  It would be an easy fix if she followed the “a place for everything and everything in its place maxim.” This weakness is a minor issue, but it’s only the beginning of more significant problems she creates for herself.  Yes, she is a victim of bad habits and more.  Her bad habits bleed over into her decision-making process, creating even more significant issues, which steal precious time and resources.  Poor decision-making habits result in lost productivity, profitability, and morale.

You should view this post as a wake-up call!  It is easy to fall into a pattern of casual decision-making, leading to suboptimal, or worse, disastrous results.  I do not mean to offer specific processes or tools, as ample information is available on how to make decisions for a wide range of situations.  I want to remind you to create a habit of using a structured decision-making process to achieve better outcomes.

Basic decision-making process

    1. Describe the situation
    2. List factors to consider
    3. Determine key constituents to be affected
    4. List and evaluate alternatives
    5. Select the best outcome
    6. Develop a plan of action, including a communications plan
    7. Execute
    8. Assess and evaluate results

Making good decisions is a habit!  Find a process that works for you and employ it consistently.  The above eight steps present a basic decision-making framework.  However, it does not list a “gut-check” as a part of the process.    I do not recommend making decisions based on “gut feel” alone; however, before making a call, check your gut.  This step has never let me down!  I like to include a gut check toward the end of my process.  It has forced me to review my process and reassess my assumptions.  Finally, always review to determine how you can improve the quality of your decisions.  For more on this subject, I suggest you refer to other articles I have written about developing helpful and productive habits.

One of the most enjoyable aspects of my work is helping clients and colleagues improve their decision-making.  It stimulates my intellectual and creative abilities.  My interest in making better decisions is born from my early career as a financial analyst and strategic planning executive.  Today, my clients are eager to learn new techniques to improve their decision-making abilities.  They enjoy the satisfaction of better results from the successful execution of their decisions.  Create a decision-making habit for better results and a happier life.

For more information on making better decisions refer to the articles linked below.


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Jim Weber, Managing Partner – ITB Partners

Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

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Make a Counter-Offer!

Mark, a friend and colleague, called Monday, asking for advice on behalf of his daughter,  Julie.  She had just received a job offer.  It included a generous benefits package and a performance bonus.  However, the base salary was 10% lower than her expectation.  It occurred to me that the initial offer was a bit light.  The market value for that position is greater than the initial offer.  Mark’s question was, should Julie make a counteroffer, and how much?

Before answering his question, I probed a little to determine if this opportunity was, in fact, a good fit for Julie.  Also, I wanted to learn the extent of her interest in this company.  Was it something she sincerely wanted?  Mark explained that it aligned with her college degree and will give her direct experience in her chosen field.  She likes the product and the people.  They are optimistic about this opportunity.  Mark’s insight made it clear that this job had great potential for his daughter.  I was ready to answer his question.

I told Mark that an initial offer of employment is seldom the employer’s final offer.  Furthermore, savvy employers expect a counteroffer.  They want to hire the best talent at the lowest possible salary.  They have flexibility in the budget to pay more.  But they don’t know the candidate’s bottom line compensation requirements.  Why should their initial offer be the most they can afford?  The only way to resolve the question is to negotiate.  Mark was concerned that a counteroffer would cause the client to withdraw the offer.  I said that I had never seen that happen.  On the other hand, I have seen job offers rescinded if the candidate demonstrated inappropriate behavior during the negotiation process.  I told Mark that if Julie showed a lack of good faith or presented irrational demands, she could lose the job.

My answer was Yes, she should make a counter. Click To Tweet

Mark was pleased to hear my perspective.  We then turned to how much she should request and how to deliver the counter.  I suggested that she ask the employer for the additional ten percent as I believe that to the market value for the position, given his daughter’s experience.  “The worst that can happen is that they will say no,” I said.  He asked me if I had a template they could use to draft her counteroffer.  I told him that he could find numerous examples on the internet and that I would be happy to review their response before they sent it to the hiring manager, which I did.

From my perspective, negotiating the starting salary and benefits package is the final part of the interview process.  These negotiations give the hiring manager a clearer sense of the candidate’s potential.  It reveals her problem-solving skills and ability to make her case and defend her position.  Negotiating the starting salary will be Julie’s first experience working for this company.  It will confirm her interest in working for this employer or not.  Negotiating the terms of a Job Offer is the final step in the interview process.

Key Attributes for Successful Negotiations

    • Confidence
    • Ability to state a position and make a case
    • Exhibits rational behavior
    • Performance under stress
    • Orientation toward win-win solutions
    • The Ability to Understand the Other’s Position

The ability to negotiate a better deal is fundamental to every business.  It is an essential skill that can be very useful to the employer.  Even though the negotiation abilities of a recent college grad may not be fully developed, the prospective employer will gain insight into the potential for further development.

I am often called on to engage in a search assignment for a newly created position.   Sometimes, the prospective client does not have a good feel for the market value of that position.  They rely on my expertise to determine a competitive compensation package.  However, I will not take on the assignment until we have established a competitive salary range that I can present to my candidates.  Otherwise, it would be a complete waste of time.  The new hire’s actual starting salary will require negotiation.  Employers expect you to make a counteroffer.  But remember, the prospective employer is still evaluating you throughout the salary negotiation process.

Upon reviewing Julie’s counteroffer letter, I found that it was a good product.  Still, I offered a few suggestions to make it better.  The employer accepted her counteroffer.  Julie started her new job on Wednesday.  Success!  Never hesitate to make a counteroffer.

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Jim Weber, Managing Partner – ITB Partners

Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

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Success is a Habit

There’s been much interest in developing productive habits and having a set of principles for success in life during the past few years. Jordan Peterson and James Clear have written extensively on these issues. Their books have been widely read, especially among younger males. Our institutions have failed in this regard. Schools, for example, do not reinforce our cultural values and lack emphasis on character building for our youth. Or possibly because the old established institutions are not relevant to the younger generation. Regardless, it seems that many are adrift.

We learned our guiding principles from our parents, primary school, and church. I remember my mother telling me to stand straight with my shoulders back. She drilled into me that slouching does not make a good impression. We also learned about maintaining good habits by playing with others—things like sharing, respect, and fairness. We learned about the Ten Commandments, not all of which are particularly religious. They speak about honesty, respect for our elders (authority), avoiding envy, and lying. Stealing and murder were prohibited as well. Many of us participated in team sports, like Little League baseball. We learned sportsmanship, working together as a team, supporting one another, being on time, and honoring our commitments. We learned proper etiquette and table manners from our parents, and some were enrolled in formal classes to learn those rules. We learned how to behave in conformance with the norms of a healthy society.

Today, we can see the difference between successful folks and those who struggle. It is evident in their approach to life and the habits they embrace, wittingly or not. Much of my work is about helping people identify and correct bad habits. I help my clients develop productive routines and fix issues not being addressed. Usually, I help create systems and processes to improve performance.

Success is a habit, or more to the point, a collection of practices.

    • Be on time.
    • Be Proactive
    • Be Prepared-analytical
    • Take good notes
    • Follow up
    • Be organized
    • Honor you commitments
    • Be Ethical: honesty and integrity
    • Follow the rules of Reciprocity
    • Build relationships slowly
    • Attract like-minded people
    • Maintain your physical health

From my experience, successful people share a collection of attributes. I have observed that they are focused on what they want and have the discipline to realize their goals. Furthermore, they attract and surround themselves with like-minded people. You may have heard that you are the average of your friends and associates. I believe this to be true. Stated another way, successful people are forward-thinking and develop systems to achieve their goals. Click To Tweet Without a system, goals are just wishful thinking and daydreams. Another way to think of a system is a collection of habits. Let’s consider practices successful people share.

At the forefront, successful people are trustworthy. They are honest and ethical people who honor their commitments. The importance of trust should not be a surprise to anyone. Would you willingly associate with someone you did not trust? Of course not. If you are trustworthy and dependable, you will attract ethical associates. Ethical behavior is the foundation for success.

Successful people exude confidence. They have a positive, can-do attitude that people will naturally follow. I am reminded of the saying, “if you can conceive it and believe it, you will achieve it.” They are high-energy people who energize and motivate others. Compare these attributes to low-energy complainers who drain you of your energy. Avoid these people!

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is another critical attribute for success. A healthy body is required to generate the energy and drive needed to achieve one’s goals. It is challenging to develop confidence if you are not physically fit or do not feel well. A proper diet and exercise are part of their daily routine. They get the appropriate amount of sleep to be alert and focused during working hours. They see their doctor annually to check their vital statistics and catch potential ailments early.

To summarize, successful people are in control of their lives. They determine how they want to live and create that environment. Their lives are not perfect as they suffer unpleasant circumstances like everyone else. However, they experience fewer adverse events and cope with them better because of the systems they have created. Their grand system is a set of beliefs, attributes, and behaviors (read habits) they employ to create their lifestyle. For those of you looking for success or that want to mentor others, I suggest that you further explore the points made in this article.

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Jim Weber, Managing Partner – ITB Partners

Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

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Stop Procrastinating and Accomplish More!

I put this article off for too long! No kidding! Procrastination is not one of my worst habits, but I am prone to succumb to it from time to time.

Why write about the subject now? Maybe because it is time to file our state and federal taxes. It is on my mind because people I know waited until the filing deadline to complete their taxes. I am confident they are not alone. I have known many who were last-minute tax filers. Fortunately, that is not an issue for me as I have an accountant who does our personal and business taxes. He has complete access to my QuickBooks Online account, which is always current. I have almost eliminated my tax preparation requirements. Procrastination is no longer necessary.

I have never been much of a procrastinator. I am a planner by nature and by training. I try to be proactive. The thought of putting myself through the stress and anxiety of meeting a deadline at the last minute is too painful to bear. That does not mean that I don’t procrastinate from time to time. Sometimes, I procrastinate to avoid irritating or mundane tasks. Getting my annual automobile inspection is a good example. While in college, I did not engage in last-minute, pre-exam cram sessions. Instead, I believed that I would perform better with a good night’s sleep. It was the same during my corporate career. I made a point to complete my assignments early, especially if they involved a presentation. I used the extra time to hone my subject matter knowledge and focus on the presentation. I never wanted to present work that was less than my best effort.

To some extent, everyone engages in procrastination. I have known many who wait until the last minute to complete assignments. I spend much of my time coaching my clients to overcome procrastination. Watching them race through the process of completing an important task at the last minute is painful. Helping them defeat the urge to procrastinate improves their performance, moving them closer to their goals. Click To Tweet

Ways to Approach and Correct Procrastination

Do not punish yourself for procrastinating
Commit to completing the task
Promise yourself a reward upon completion
Find someone to hold you accountable
Change your attitude toward the task
Focus on the issue
Eat an elephant, one bite at a time

To minimize procrastination, I’ve adopted a few helpful habits that may interest you. My most powerful technique is to put the task right in front of me to be in my way. I create a situation where I cannot get around the job, so I must dispatch it. A good example is putting my dry-cleaning in the passenger seat of my car. Once that is done, I cannot ignore it. I must take it to the cleaners and retrieve my clean laundry. I know that is a small, inconsequential example. Even so, the concept works with more essential matters.

No one likes paying bills, but the avoidance cost is steep. We must pay them eventually. To get this task behind me, I will put a stack of bills in the center of my desk. They are right there in front of me, screaming for attention. Furthermore, I have adopted electronic bill pay methods, including the authorization for automatic withdrawals. Now, I have one less activity to avoid.

To continue making progress in a health-related area, I set concrete milestones and plan rewards for goal attainment. For example, I will plan to purchase an article of clothing as I achieve specific points in a weight loss program. Creating a reward keeps me motivated to stay on track to achieve my objective. I find it helpful to start with a plan that segments the overall scope of larger projects into smaller components. Completing small activities generates momentum that leads to successful completion.

In conclusion, procrastination is a bad habit that inhibits your productivity and goal achievement. It is a common affliction. It is natural to avoid complex, tedious, unpleasant, aversive, and stressful tasks. Instead, we prefer to engage in the fun stuff! To defeat procrastination, consider changing your attitude toward the job. Make it a priority you cannot avoid. Break larger projects into smaller parts to be tackled sequentially. Reward yourself for completing a dreaded task. Finally, you might look for ways to eliminate routine tasks through automation. Begin practicing some of these tips, and let me know if they work for you

For more information about procrastination and how to overcome your avoidance issues, you may find it helpful to check out these links.

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Jim Weber, Managing Partner – ITB Partners

Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

I hope you enjoyed our point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox.  Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so; please leave a comment.


Starting Over: Building a Business After the Pandemic

As the United States emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic, many people are deciding it is time to chase their dreams and work on starting their own business. According to research, this happened many times during state shutdowns. If this is your first time venturing into entrepreneurial aspirations, learn about what you can do to get started on the right foot with this guide from ITB Partners.

Finding a Business Idea That Works

Before doing anything else, it is crucial to find a business idea that works. It doesn’t necessarily have to be complicated. Consider your experience, skills, and education, and what you would like to do.

Perhaps you already have skills as a hairdresser and want to work for yourself. Maybe you have lots of experience with animals and would like to begin a dog walking and boarding business. There are plenty of business possibilities to help you get started.

Setting Up and Making It Legal

Once you decide what your business will involve, decide on a name for your company and begin the process of setting it up. You may choose to make it a sole proprietorship, an S-corporation, or a limited liability company.

If you choose an LLC, know that there are many benefits associated with this, such as limited liability, less paperwork, certain flexibility, and even advantages when it comes to taxes. Depending on the state you live in, there are different regulations when it comes to setting up an LLC, so make sure you research those first. If you want to outsource the paperwork and avoid dealing with an attorney, you can use a formation service to help you.

Networking and Meeting Other Professionals

No matter what stage your business is in, make it a priority to network with others. Click To Tweet This will help you find your new clients, introduce you to professionals to help build your business, and make it easier to get referrals and reach out via word of mouth.

Look for events such as Network After Work. You should also start talking to people you know, even if the last time you were in touch was high school or college. There are plenty of online tools that can help you find contact information so you can reconnect again, allowing you to build your circle.

Creating a Marketing Plan for Your Company

All businesses need a marketing plan. Start putting together ideas of how you want to reach your client base. This can include using social media, direct mail marketing, having a website, going to trade shows, and using promotional materials, to name a few.

If you plan on adding images to your company’s marketing materials or you are working on an image with a graphic designer, you may find it easier to compress JPG files so you can email them with ease. However, compression can sometimes degrade the way the JPG file looks. To combat this, use a JPG-to-PDF converter, which can allow you to make your JPGs into PDFs while keeping the same quality. You can even do this with more than one file at once.

Creating Space and Enlisting Services

In getting your startup off the ground, you want to ensure that you’ve got a designated space at home where you can work. If you go as far as upgrading an unused room to a home office, you may even improve your home’s value. Just make sure that you’ve got the privacy and resources you need.

You’ll also want to set up a great website for your business and see to it that your cyber security is looked after. Online threats are growing ever more numerous and widespread, and they can threaten both your business and your customers’ information. Make sure you are all protected with a comprehensive plan.

Getting Support From a Mentor

Running a business can be hard. Rather than try to go through it alone, get help and support from a mentor. Business mentors can give you ideas on what problems you might run into and provide advice when you aren’t sure what is best for your company.

No matter what your reasons are for starting a business, it is possible to get the support and guidelines necessary for success, as long as you take everything step by step.

This article is brought to you by ITB Partners, a consortium of independent management consultants providing high value-added solutions to your problems. Our consultants are experienced leaders, discipline experts, and project managers. Our industry expertise ranges from consumer packaged goods and manufacturing to supply/chain,  logistics, and the service sector.   Additionally, we have depth in consumer services franchising, specifically restaurant, hospitality, retail. For more information, please contact us today!

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Jim Weber, Managing Partner – ITB Partners

Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

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Ten Leadership Lessons from Life at a Boys’ Ranch

Mike Perkins

Our world and our workplaces are filled with people from broken homes and dysfunctional families.  Research shows that over 60% of Americans grew up with some type of family dysfunction.  As employers, we can make a real difference in people’s lives- inside and outside the workplace. Employees need our help, guidance, teaching, encouragement, love, and support to be successful and to feel like they belong. If they get that, they are much more likely to stay with us, work hard, be loyal and make a difference.  Otherwise, they will just go through the motions, make minimal contributions, and always be looking for greener pastures.

I have been an employment attorney and HR professional for almost 30 years.  I thought I knew a lot about people from other walks of life.  But I was dead wrong.  I really didn’t know much about life for people with different upbringings and socio-economic backgrounds until I had the opportunity to live with them.  Literally.   In 2006, my wife and I took a professional sabbatical and worked for seven years at Big Oak Ranch in North Alabama.  Big Oak is a “Christian Home for Children Needing a Chance.” There, over 120 children live in homes with up to 8 children and a “Mom and Pop.”  Over those seven years, Kim and I served as house parents and primary caregivers for over a dozen boys from broken homes (abandonment, neglect, poverty, abuse, drug abuse, alcoholism, imprisonment, death).  During that time, we fed them, clothed them, helped educate them (in partnership with a great school), mentored them, disciplined them, cheered for them, laughed, and cried with them, attended proms, ballgames (hundreds!), school events, counseling sessions, medical appointments, hunting trips, vacations, provided driver training, and washed thousands of loads of dirty, stinky laundry.

In the process, we learned a LOT about life, love, and belonging.  Some of our kids responded well and have prospered.  Others have struggled with life outside the ranch. But we like to think they are all better off from having been at the boys’ ranch. I know that we are.

The lessons we learned and taught at the ranch translate well into the business world. Click To TweetMany of our employees come from the same type of environment as the children we helped raise.  And that lack of stability early in life has a lasting impact.  Here are a few lessons we learned that are worth sharing. Perhaps they can help you in your leadership journey.

    1. You don’t really know people until you get to know them- Everyone does not think like you do (in fact, very few do).  Don’t stereotype or prejudge. Go to them and seek to understand how they see the world.  You’ll be surprised at how differently people view things.  Each person’s unique history provides an inimitable life perspective.  Understanding a person’s background, values and worldview helps build bridges that will make you more effective as a leader and them as an employee.
    2. Rules without relationships are meaningless– Rule enforcement and management directives without relationships usually result in resentment. It is important to develop real relationships with the people you manage.  Otherwise, you will be in a constant battle to enforce workplace rules and it will be difficult to persuade employees to perform challenging tasks.  Relationship always trumps rules.
    3. Set boundaries and stick with them. How you start offsets the course for the future. Like cattle, it is human nature to look for the holes in the fences and test the boundaries. Employees want to know where the boundaries are.  Set the boundaries and close the gaps.  You can lighten up once trust is established.
    4. Teach them not to be a victim and a fingerpointer– It is easy to claim “victimhood” and blame shortcomings on the past and on others. Employees must understand that they control their own destiny and that they cannot allow the past to drag them down.  Encourage them to be chain breakers, victors, change-makers.  Direct them to community or company resources if they have difficulty overcoming past trauma or experiences. Don’t allow employees to make excuses based on the actions of others.  Help them stay focused on the things they can control.
    5. First Impressions are critical- People need to understand that, if they really want to succeed, they need to look and act the part. I am not talking about stereotypes, but a clean, positive look makes a huge difference to others and will often set the tone for their future interactions.  Sometimes, it is a matter of facial expression and good hygiene.  Manners also make a big difference- On BOTH sides!  “Hello,” “please,” “thank you,” and “you’re welcome” go a long way…
    6. When you break the rules, there are consequences– Everyone needs accountability. If we allow employees to “get away” with unacceptable performance, we hurt them, the organization, and their co-employees. Discipline should be considered a teaching process, not punishment.  Discipline should never be administered in a state of anger or passion.  The best discipline is calm, methodical, and delivered in a spirit of caring and concern.
    7. Everyone craves security- If they don’t get it from you, they will look elsewhere. At the ranch, we told the boys. “I love you; I will never lie to you; I will stick with you until you are grown and on your own; and there are rules, don’t break them.”  An employer’s version of this might be, “You are a valuable person, and we appreciate you and your work; we will never lie to you; we will stick with you during good times and bad, and there are rules, don’t break them.”  And then, do just that!
    8. Find strengths and develop them- Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Our job as leaders is to develop our strengths and utilize them as effectively as possible.  At the same time, when employees have weaknesses, we should do everything within our power to minimize those through education, training, coaching, modifying assignments, and, where necessary, utilizing discipline.
    9. It doesn’t always work- Everyone is not coachable, and not everyone really wants to work. We owe it to them, their co-workers, and ourselves to help those employees find another career path.  Sometimes that means separation– and we shouldn’t prolong that when an employee is not working out.   Other employees may decide a particular job or company is not right for them.  Don’t slam the door on them.  Some will decide the “grass is not so green” and will want to come back.  While the grass may look greener, there is always dirt on the bottom.
    10. Love and a sense of belonging are more important than everything else. If employees feel that from their leaders, they will run through brick walls for them. Bricks hurt, so output goals will seem like a walk in the park.

Mike Perkins, President- Frontline HR Solutions

Mike is available to speak to your group/association and provides customized training for your frontline leaders.  Contact him at

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Jim Weber, Managing Partner – ITB Partners

Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

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