Still No Plan to Sell Your Company? Do you Even Know What It’s Worth?


David Shavzin

When do I start my exit planning and how much is my company worth? We have gotten these questions for decades, especially from Baby Boomers. Sometimes it comes across casually: “So what do you think, should I start my exit plan 2 years ahead, maybe 3 years ahead?”



They often ask knowing the answer. They are trying to make themselves feel better because they haven’t created an exit plan and they know they should have started it long ago. They don’t know what their company is worth, but often get some outsized value stuck in their mind. If I respond that waiting until 24 months ahead of the sale is ok, they can let themselves off the hook for not having an exit plan or succession plan in place.

We talk to hundreds of business owners.

    • Some say they are tired and would like to get out. They do not want to put in much more time or invest in building the value of the company. Yet, they are not satisfied with what it is worth today.
    • Some family businesses have put off building a succession plan for a generation-to-generation transfer. They may feel they have time, or they may feel that their children (children often in their 30’s and 40’s) are “not ready yet”. They may fear losing an income stream as they transition out of the business.
    • Some are simply working the business, taking no time to develop an exit plan that could dramatically increase the value of the business when it comes time to sell.

 If any of these ring true for you, there are many potential solutions to address your concerns and situation. Take the first step and have a conversation with all involved. A good advisory team can help guide those exit plan discussions and provide an objective, experienced perspective. There are so many business exit options.

If you do have just a few years, there are a number of things you can do to optimize your exit and get everyone on the same page. But “2 – 3 years” is NOW, especially if you are a business owner in your 50s, 60s, 70s, or older. You have heard when talking about stocks that you can’t time the market. It’s the same thing for your business. And remember, the sale process itself can take 6 or 9 months to a year or more from start to finish.

With all of what’s going on out there in the world, a plan is critical to monetizing your life’s work! A sudden downturn could keep you captive in your business for another few years as you try to rebuild.

 Questions to ask yourself:

    • Do you know the value of your business? Don’t rely on a value that is some industry multiple or that sounds reasonable or what you’d like. Get professional assistance. This is your life, livelihood, and retirement.
    • When do you want to be completely or mostly out of the business?
    • Can you wait out the next downturn? If you are thinking of a 2- to 3-year timeframe, what if the economy slows down? Can you wait another few years to rebuild the value of your business? What do you really need out of the sale?
    • Do you have a solid plan for what you will do after your exit?

 By the Way, It’s NOT all about YOU!

Without an exit plan, you are not just risking your own retirement or next phase of life. You are putting in jeopardy your spouse, children, their families, your employees, their families, and more. Click To Tweet

The message is simple: work with your advisors now to get a good understanding of your situation. The more informed you are, the better positioned you will be to create an exit plan that works for you, maximize value and minimize risk. You will leave the legacy that you want, not what others want. You will create your future!

Need to Get an Idea of Where You Stand on Business Value and Your Options?

David Shavzin, CMC
Founder, The Value Track
M&A Advisory, Exit Planning, Building Value
Atlanta, Georgia
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Jim Weber – President
New Century Dynamics Executive Search

Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

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Keep Your Projections Realistic: How Small Business Owners Can Realistically Prepare Their Finances

Whether you are a seasoned small business owner or the founder of a startup company, you have a lot of decisions to make. Choosing how to fund your company is one of the first decisions to make. To fund your company and stabilize your financial health, business owners need a realistic financial projection. With a few tips from ITB Partners, you can learn how to create your projections.

Why Emphasize the Importance of Financial Projection

Without a financial projection, you may feel the burden of financial uncertainty. You are more likely to feel overwhelmed by unexpected costs. Accurate projections allow you to make strategic decisions. For example, a realistic idea of your financial situation allows you to know whether you can afford to hire or fire employees or invest in new products.

If you do not create a financial projection, you may not know your expected business income and cannot calculate your business’s taxes for the year. Many states require you to file an annual report every year. The annual report informs interested individuals about the financial successes and failures of public entities, non-profit organizations, and private corporations. The majority of states require you to file a report and pay taxes to remain compliant with local laws and to remain in good standing. In some instances, you could face penalties in the form of fees or business revocation if you do not follow the rules, so it’s best to get expert help when filing your annual report.

How to Create a Realistic Projection

To create a realistic projection, you may want to create a template. Your template should include the following documents:

    • Sales forecast
    • Payroll costs
    • Cash flow
    • Operating expenses
    • Income statements
    • Break-even analysis
    • Cost of goods
    • Balance sheet
    • Depreciation for your business

Instead of falling into the trap of being too optimistic or too cautious, create two scenarios. One scenario can be optimistic, while the other stays cautious. Give yourself the freedom to create multiple different scenarios. Do not guess the top-line number for your sales channel. Instead, outline each step of your process. Identify the market, estimate the percentage of the market you aim to meet through marketing and estimate how many will visit your business and make a purchase. Next, make an estimate of how much individuals may spend on average.

Your financial plan should not be static. Constant Contact suggests reviewing your plan at least once per year. You cannot always prepare for every situation, but you should reassess and take most events into consideration. If you plan to make a large purchase in the future, you may also want to reassess.

How to Simplify Your Financial Projection

A simplified projection includes a balance sheet. This is an overview of your company’s financial health. Include your assets, owner’s equity, and liabilities. You should split the balance sheet to have assets on one side and owner’s equity and liabilities on the other.

To make it simple, work with a professional who understands the industry. For instance, working with an accountant will help you realistically predict your expenses, profits, and sales. Utilize premade templates and software that allow you to input numbers and finish the projection seamlessly.

Using Accounting Software for More Accurate Projections

Creating projections can be a time-consuming and complicated process, especially if you don't have experience with bookkeeping or accounting. This is where accounting software can be a big help. Click To Tweet For example, if you run a construction business, construction accounting software can automate many of the tasks involved in creating financial projections, saving you a lot of time and hassle. And because it can help you track your actual results against your projections, you can quickly identify any discrepancies and make necessary adjustments. This software also allows you to manage job costs and contractors.

When it comes to making financial decisions for your company, a realistic financial projection is critical. Make sure to understand its importance, think realistically, utilize accounting software, and simplify the process as much as possible.

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Jim Weber, Managing Partner – ITB Partners

Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

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The Importance of Choosing the Right Consultant

As businesses innovate and expand, they often find themselves implementing unfamiliar tactics. Personnel who are available at the start of a project can lack required skills, and challenges further down the line are bound to stump those without relevant experience. Hiring a consultant such as ITB Partners can broaden a team’s skillset temporarily without the expense of bringing on a new permanent member. Though initially costly, their services save money due to added efficiency.

When To Use a Consultant

Sometimes a project only needs an expert’s assistance in its early stages. Hiring a new employee with the necessary skillset runs the risk of the role falling outside the scope of their expertise or far below their pay grade after the specialized work is done.

Consultants tend to be experts in their fields, focusing on a specific aspect of an industry with far more depth than the layman. Click To TweetWhile some advisors maintain lasting relationships with clients, companies also utilize consulting firms to solve a specific challenge before moving on.

Why Specialization Matters

Consultants are only hired for as long as needed, and the duration of the consultancy period can be determined in advance. They bring an “outsider’s perspective” to a given project. They may see common pitfalls someone less versed in a given industry may miss and can recommend the best solutions from experience.

Consultants cover a variety of specializations, so it’s crucial to select the right one for the job. There is no one-size-fits-all consulting practice that will work across the board. When deciding which consultant’s services to enlist, it’s critical to consider their areas of expertise.

What Types of Consultants Businesses Can Hire

PR agencies are instrumental, as a public relations consultant can help a company establish its online presence and advertise to target demographics. Operations consultants are available to streamline every step of a supply chain, from management practices to daily operations. A fledgling business with a solid product idea but no economic knowledge among its team may enlist a financial advisory consultant to get started.

Workplaces with limited use of computers and networking can opt to bring in a technology consultant when needed, rather than hiring a full-time IT person. There are even lean staffing consultants who help their clients work toward achieving the greatest productivity with the smallest workforce.

How To Find Qualified Consultants

After identifying what type of consultant is needed, it’s time to start searching. Besides the direct approach of researching and contacting consulting firms directly, colleagues from team members’ previous places of employment may have dealt with similar challenges in the past. These connections can point in the direction of consultants they’ve worked with previously. Job recruiting sites are also a useful resource for finding and filtering candidates. When looking for a PR company, for example, it’s possible to check out the ratings and rates of various agencies on a job board before reaching out.

Industry insiders agree that the right person for the job is not necessarily the least costly. Careful consideration should be taken to make sure all needs can be met, without paying more than the industry standard. After this cost-benefit analysis, a fair and specific contract needs to be created to protect the interests of both sides of the transaction.

When facing new challenges in the working world, utilizing whatever methods will produce the best results is crucial. Consultants make it their business to study the unique intricacies of their field to provide their clients with the tools to succeed. Though their services may seem cost-prohibitive at first, they eventually pay for themselves through the contributions to a business’s future.

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Jim Weber, Managing Partner – ITB Partners

Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

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Success is a Habit

There’s been much interest in developing productive habits and having a set of principles for success in life during the past few years. Jordan Peterson and James Clear have written extensively on these issues. Their books have been widely read, especially among younger males. Our institutions have failed in this regard. Schools, for example, do not reinforce our cultural values and lack emphasis on character building for our youth. Or possibly because the old established institutions are not relevant to the younger generation. Regardless, it seems that many are adrift.

We learned our guiding principles from our parents, primary school, and church. I remember my mother telling me to stand straight with my shoulders back. She drilled into me that slouching does not make a good impression. We also learned about maintaining good habits by playing with others—things like sharing, respect, and fairness. We learned about the Ten Commandments, not all of which are particularly religious. They speak about honesty, respect for our elders (authority), avoiding envy, and lying. Stealing and murder were prohibited as well. Many of us participated in team sports, like Little League baseball. We learned sportsmanship, working together as a team, supporting one another, being on time, and honoring our commitments. We learned proper etiquette and table manners from our parents, and some were enrolled in formal classes to learn those rules. We learned how to behave in conformance with the norms of a healthy society.

Today, we can see the difference between successful folks and those who struggle. It is evident in their approach to life and the habits they embrace, wittingly or not. Much of my work is about helping people identify and correct bad habits. I help my clients develop productive routines and fix issues not being addressed. Usually, I help create systems and processes to improve performance.

Success is a habit, or more to the point, a collection of practices.

    • Be on time.
    • Be Proactive
    • Be Prepared-analytical
    • Take good notes
    • Follow up
    • Be organized
    • Honor you commitments
    • Be Ethical: honesty and integrity
    • Follow the rules of Reciprocity
    • Build relationships slowly
    • Attract like-minded people
    • Maintain your physical health

From my experience, successful people share a collection of attributes. I have observed that they are focused on what they want and have the discipline to realize their goals. Furthermore, they attract and surround themselves with like-minded people. You may have heard that you are the average of your friends and associates. I believe this to be true. Stated another way, successful people are forward-thinking and develop systems to achieve their goals. Click To Tweet Without a system, goals are just wishful thinking and daydreams. Another way to think of a system is a collection of habits. Let’s consider practices successful people share.

At the forefront, successful people are trustworthy. They are honest and ethical people who honor their commitments. The importance of trust should not be a surprise to anyone. Would you willingly associate with someone you did not trust? Of course not. If you are trustworthy and dependable, you will attract ethical associates. Ethical behavior is the foundation for success.

Successful people exude confidence. They have a positive, can-do attitude that people will naturally follow. I am reminded of the saying, “if you can conceive it and believe it, you will achieve it.” They are high-energy people who energize and motivate others. Compare these attributes to low-energy complainers who drain you of your energy. Avoid these people!

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is another critical attribute for success. A healthy body is required to generate the energy and drive needed to achieve one’s goals. It is challenging to develop confidence if you are not physically fit or do not feel well. A proper diet and exercise are part of their daily routine. They get the appropriate amount of sleep to be alert and focused during working hours. They see their doctor annually to check their vital statistics and catch potential ailments early.

To summarize, successful people are in control of their lives. They determine how they want to live and create that environment. Their lives are not perfect as they suffer unpleasant circumstances like everyone else. However, they experience fewer adverse events and cope with them better because of the systems they have created. Their grand system is a set of beliefs, attributes, and behaviors (read habits) they employ to create their lifestyle. For those of you looking for success or that want to mentor others, I suggest that you further explore the points made in this article.

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Jim Weber, Managing Partner – ITB Partners

Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

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Stop Procrastinating and Accomplish More!

I put this article off for too long! No kidding! Procrastination is not one of my worst habits, but I am prone to succumb to it from time to time.

Why write about the subject now? Maybe because it is time to file our state and federal taxes. It is on my mind because people I know waited until the filing deadline to complete their taxes. I am confident they are not alone. I have known many who were last-minute tax filers. Fortunately, that is not an issue for me as I have an accountant who does our personal and business taxes. He has complete access to my QuickBooks Online account, which is always current. I have almost eliminated my tax preparation requirements. Procrastination is no longer necessary.

I have never been much of a procrastinator. I am a planner by nature and by training. I try to be proactive. The thought of putting myself through the stress and anxiety of meeting a deadline at the last minute is too painful to bear. That does not mean that I don’t procrastinate from time to time. Sometimes, I procrastinate to avoid irritating or mundane tasks. Getting my annual automobile inspection is a good example. While in college, I did not engage in last-minute, pre-exam cram sessions. Instead, I believed that I would perform better with a good night’s sleep. It was the same during my corporate career. I made a point to complete my assignments early, especially if they involved a presentation. I used the extra time to hone my subject matter knowledge and focus on the presentation. I never wanted to present work that was less than my best effort.

To some extent, everyone engages in procrastination. I have known many who wait until the last minute to complete assignments. I spend much of my time coaching my clients to overcome procrastination. Watching them race through the process of completing an important task at the last minute is painful. Helping them defeat the urge to procrastinate improves their performance, moving them closer to their goals. Click To Tweet

Ways to Approach and Correct Procrastination

Do not punish yourself for procrastinating
Commit to completing the task
Promise yourself a reward upon completion
Find someone to hold you accountable
Change your attitude toward the task
Focus on the issue
Eat an elephant, one bite at a time

To minimize procrastination, I’ve adopted a few helpful habits that may interest you. My most powerful technique is to put the task right in front of me to be in my way. I create a situation where I cannot get around the job, so I must dispatch it. A good example is putting my dry-cleaning in the passenger seat of my car. Once that is done, I cannot ignore it. I must take it to the cleaners and retrieve my clean laundry. I know that is a small, inconsequential example. Even so, the concept works with more essential matters.

No one likes paying bills, but the avoidance cost is steep. We must pay them eventually. To get this task behind me, I will put a stack of bills in the center of my desk. They are right there in front of me, screaming for attention. Furthermore, I have adopted electronic bill pay methods, including the authorization for automatic withdrawals. Now, I have one less activity to avoid.

To continue making progress in a health-related area, I set concrete milestones and plan rewards for goal attainment. For example, I will plan to purchase an article of clothing as I achieve specific points in a weight loss program. Creating a reward keeps me motivated to stay on track to achieve my objective. I find it helpful to start with a plan that segments the overall scope of larger projects into smaller components. Completing small activities generates momentum that leads to successful completion.

In conclusion, procrastination is a bad habit that inhibits your productivity and goal achievement. It is a common affliction. It is natural to avoid complex, tedious, unpleasant, aversive, and stressful tasks. Instead, we prefer to engage in the fun stuff! To defeat procrastination, consider changing your attitude toward the job. Make it a priority you cannot avoid. Break larger projects into smaller parts to be tackled sequentially. Reward yourself for completing a dreaded task. Finally, you might look for ways to eliminate routine tasks through automation. Begin practicing some of these tips, and let me know if they work for you

For more information about procrastination and how to overcome your avoidance issues, you may find it helpful to check out these links.

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Jim Weber, Managing Partner – ITB Partners

Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

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Starting Over: Building a Business After the Pandemic

As the United States emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic, many people are deciding it is time to chase their dreams and work on starting their own business. According to research, this happened many times during state shutdowns. If this is your first time venturing into entrepreneurial aspirations, learn about what you can do to get started on the right foot with this guide from ITB Partners.

Finding a Business Idea That Works

Before doing anything else, it is crucial to find a business idea that works. It doesn’t necessarily have to be complicated. Consider your experience, skills, and education, and what you would like to do.

Perhaps you already have skills as a hairdresser and want to work for yourself. Maybe you have lots of experience with animals and would like to begin a dog walking and boarding business. There are plenty of business possibilities to help you get started.

Setting Up and Making It Legal

Once you decide what your business will involve, decide on a name for your company and begin the process of setting it up. You may choose to make it a sole proprietorship, an S-corporation, or a limited liability company.

If you choose an LLC, know that there are many benefits associated with this, such as limited liability, less paperwork, certain flexibility, and even advantages when it comes to taxes. Depending on the state you live in, there are different regulations when it comes to setting up an LLC, so make sure you research those first. If you want to outsource the paperwork and avoid dealing with an attorney, you can use a formation service to help you.

Networking and Meeting Other Professionals

No matter what stage your business is in, make it a priority to network with others. Click To Tweet This will help you find your new clients, introduce you to professionals to help build your business, and make it easier to get referrals and reach out via word of mouth.

Look for events such as Network After Work. You should also start talking to people you know, even if the last time you were in touch was high school or college. There are plenty of online tools that can help you find contact information so you can reconnect again, allowing you to build your circle.

Creating a Marketing Plan for Your Company

All businesses need a marketing plan. Start putting together ideas of how you want to reach your client base. This can include using social media, direct mail marketing, having a website, going to trade shows, and using promotional materials, to name a few.

If you plan on adding images to your company’s marketing materials or you are working on an image with a graphic designer, you may find it easier to compress JPG files so you can email them with ease. However, compression can sometimes degrade the way the JPG file looks. To combat this, use a JPG-to-PDF converter, which can allow you to make your JPGs into PDFs while keeping the same quality. You can even do this with more than one file at once.

Creating Space and Enlisting Services

In getting your startup off the ground, you want to ensure that you’ve got a designated space at home where you can work. If you go as far as upgrading an unused room to a home office, you may even improve your home’s value. Just make sure that you’ve got the privacy and resources you need.

You’ll also want to set up a great website for your business and see to it that your cyber security is looked after. Online threats are growing ever more numerous and widespread, and they can threaten both your business and your customers’ information. Make sure you are all protected with a comprehensive plan.

Getting Support From a Mentor

Running a business can be hard. Rather than try to go through it alone, get help and support from a mentor. Business mentors can give you ideas on what problems you might run into and provide advice when you aren’t sure what is best for your company.

No matter what your reasons are for starting a business, it is possible to get the support and guidelines necessary for success, as long as you take everything step by step.

This article is brought to you by ITB Partners, a consortium of independent management consultants providing high value-added solutions to your problems. Our consultants are experienced leaders, discipline experts, and project managers. Our industry expertise ranges from consumer packaged goods and manufacturing to supply/chain,  logistics, and the service sector.   Additionally, we have depth in consumer services franchising, specifically restaurant, hospitality, retail. For more information, please contact us today!

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Jim Weber, Managing Partner – ITB Partners

Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

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5 Start-up Mistakes To Avoid

Image via Pexels

Starting a  business can be a roller-coaster experience. Even the most seasoned entrepreneur has ups and downs when starting a new company. As a new business owner, your best strategy is to plan for mishaps while avoiding as many as possible.

There are many missteps you should watch for, but some are more common than others.

    1. Failure to use the Right Business Structure

You have several choices for registering your business. Some of the most common are:

      • Corporation
      • Limited liability company
      • Sole proprietorship
      • Partnership
      • S corporation

One of the simplest entities to set up is an LLC. It has various benefits for your company, such as flexibility, limited liability, tax advantages, and less paperwork than a corporation. If you decide an LLC is the best structure for you, check the rules in your state before moving ahead. States have different regulations regarding LLC formation. If you’d prefer to let someone else handle the upfront work, you can save on lawyer fees by using a formation service.


    1. Failure to Plan a Product Rollout

A new product rollout can be a risky venture. At the same time, it may be vital to your growth. With so much at stake, it’s worth taking time to get it right. You could face a launch flop if you rush the process along or fail to plot each step.

Try using an online product roadmap template to make your product unveiling a success. This tool can help you outline your strategy and the steps to create a product roadmap. It can also organize each team member’s assignments. A template simplifies the process. You can:

      • Assign priorities to tasks
      • Create themes
      • Set deadlines and goals
      • Understand customer pain points


    1. Failure to Lead

Not everyone realizes the number of executive decisions you make as an entrepreneur — even without employees. Your company’s fate often lies solely in your hands.

Assess your weaknesses and strengths. Determine if you have some of the essential leadership abilities:

Consider taking online courses or hiring a consultant from ITB Partners specializing in leadership development.

    1. Starting a Business With Family and Friends (Without Thinking It Through)

For some families and friends, going into business together works well. However, that’s not always the case.

Opening a “mom-and-pop shop” doesn’t have to be a recipe for failure. Before you do so, ask yourself a few tough questions, including:

      • Do you have compatible business values?
      • Do you have clearly defined roles?
      • How would it affect your relationship if your enterprise failed? According to statistics, about half of all new companies survive the first five years.
      • Are you capable of overriding your emotions when you need to make impactful decisions?

Finally, keep in mind that the market fluctuates. Along with it, your business may experience inconsistencies. These factors can change the dynamics of your working relationship as the balances of power or responsibility shift.

    1. Underestimating the Competition

Even if you have a unique offering, consumers have alternative solutions. They can choose another product or just buy nothing. Tips for getting their attention include:

      • Providing a customer-centric experience by making your business about them, not your product
      • Establishing your credibility by being transparent and following through on promises
      • Highlighting why your product is different than others or why your customer can’t do without it

If you can learn from your mistakes while avoiding the big ones, you can successfully get your company off the ground. Preparation combined with some training can be your best bet as you set off on your entrepreneurial adventure.

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Jim Weber, Managing Partner – ITB Partners

Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

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We Fired Our Cleaning Service!

It is not easy to land a new customer. And it takes work to maintain a relationship over time. That is why customer retention is so vital for business continuity.  Given that, it is understandable that I was so baffled by this week’s events. We fired our maid service Thursday. Well, they fired themselves.

Thursday night, my wife began receiving text messages from the maid service owner. Her texts included photos and videos of our home’s interior. She demanded that we pay an additional $45.00, 33% of our regular fee, because they cleaned up a construction area. What incredible hubris. It was a strange situation. Our regular maid had a doctor’s appointment, so they sent a replacement who was unfamiliar with our home. She took the videos while she was working. I have zero tolerance for that kind of behavior from a vendor. Someone taking a video inside our home while conducting a service, in my mind, is grounds for immediate termination. Not only is that an invasion of privacy, but it is also a significant security issue. However, my wife is a bit more polite than I am. She let the vendor make her case.

However, the result was the same as my wife decided to terminate our relationship. The entire conversation and ultimate termination were made entirely by text messaging. Not an ideal situation. Unless the vendor intended to cancel our service, for whatever reason, this should’ve been a voice conversation. Resolving differences via text is seldom a good idea.

Two significant projects are in process on our home, but they had a minor, if any, impact on the maid’s workload. First, we are remodeling our master bathroom. We completed the demo work in that area over three weeks ago. The next phase of that project will begin shortly. The maid did not have to clean that area, nor was it a contributing factor to any additional work. She was not cleaning a construction area.

Secondly, we are refinishing our basement, turning that area into a very spacious apartment. That area is not a part of our cleaning contract. Admittedly, that project kicked up a bit of dust this week as we had to cut concrete to prepare the plumbing for the bathroom. Before the maid arrived, we dusted the house and used the Swifter system on the floors on the main level. The cleaning job was the same as any other visit.

Small businesses are having difficulty with staffing issues that may or may not be related to Covid–19. I get it. Last month we had another service clean our windows, inside and out. The owner of that company did the work himself. He told me that nobody wants to work. Even so, he was pleasant and did a good job. I told him that we would use him again. He certainly did not try to gouge me because our home is an alleged construction site. The issue with our maid service was a different story.

The vendor intended to extract additional funds from us as she believed that our home was involved in extensive renovations. She had asked what we were doing before the maid arrived. My wife explained the situation, and we thought that was the end of the discussion. Then the text messaging began Thursday evening. Whatever trust we had with this vendor was destroyed in a few short minutes. Friday morning, we received another text from the vendor. She apologized for doubting our situation and asked that we continue using her service. My wife decided not to respond immediately. She wanted to sleep on it.

I view the vendor’s behavior as a case study in poor account management. If she had legitimate concerns that our expectations were beyond the scope of the agreement, she should have requested a meeting in our home. She would have gained first-hand information about the situation. We would welcome that approach. But that is not the way she proceeded, far from it.

Customers, particularly long-standing customers, are an asset to be protected. You don’t want to lose one needlessly. If you have a dispute or a disagreement, ensure that you work towards a resolution thoughtfully and professionally. This situation was not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but we will remember it.

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Jim Weber, Managing Partner – ITB Partners

Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

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Leverage Your Time and Grow Your Business

Over the holidays, I was able to catch up with my friend and colleague, Stan. He often calls me when he is on a road trip. This time, he was traveling through Kentucky to work with a client in northeastern Ohio. As with most of our conversations, this was wide-ranging, including personal and business-related topics. We talked a little about Covid-19, politics, scotch, and cigars, and of course, Football. When we talk Football, it’s NCAA Football in general and the SEC.

Eventually, the conversation turned to our respective businesses, which occupied the remainder of our time. Stan’s business is booming! He is unique among Independent Consultants as he doesn’t suffer the feast or famine cycle. He has a strong network that feeds him new business regularly. That is the good news. The bad news is that he would like to retire. The revenue has been exceptional, however. So good that it has crowded out any recent consideration of retirement. But now, the workload is starting to take its toll. Also, he has other interests he wants to pursue. So, we chatted about him getting serious about making a transition toward retirement.

I asked him if he’d ever thought about taking on a protégé or two. It wasn’t the first time I raised that issue with Stan. He’s never been too keen on the idea, however. He believes that his network refers business to him because they know his capabilities and the quality of work he delivers. I agree with him in that assessment as far as it goes. But I seriously doubt that anyone expects Stan to do all the work himself. I told him that I believe he is laboring under the mistaken belief that his referring agents expect him to do all the required work himself. I am not buying it! Although the client expects results, they are not so concerned about how he achieves those results, assuming there is minimal disruption to their daily routine. Click To Tweet I would wager that if Stan asked his network, they would agree with my assessment.

Leverage Your Consulting Projects

    • Employ Subcontractors
    • Train Subcontractors to become protégées
    • Offload lower value-added work assignments
    • Provide quality control and oversight
    • Expand the business while working the same hours or less

The apparent solution to Stan’s dilemma is to find subcontractors to perform the work under his direction. Employing subcontractors would give him more free time. Early on, Stan may be required to train these folks to complete the job to his expectations. However, once trained, Stan can work with the subcontractor to plan the scope of work, then let them execute the plan. Of course, Stan would provide oversight and direction.   He would be the account manager, providing supervision and quality control.

Another way to approach winding down would be to divide the workload between high and lower value-added activities. Stan could assign the lower value-added activities to a subcontractor or protégée while taking on the more significant value-added workload. Again, he would free up his time while developing a resource to aid him in his transition.

Most independent consultants would be delighted to have Stan‘s problem. Instead, many fight the feast or famine cycle, trying to smooth out the peaks and valleys while growing their business. Often, these folks are not marketing themselves at the most basic level. However, they can still benefit by developing protégés or subcontractors to help them leverage their time during the cycle’s peaks. Better yet, they should consider marketing their services to someone like Stan, who needs help. They should consider growing their business by seeking work as a subcontractor.

Summary and Conclusion

The fundamental question Stan must resolve is, does he want to retire and close his business entirely, or does he want something that continues to generate income throughout his retirement? Then he must determine how to transition from one state to the next. Stan has an enviable position. He can afford to close his business and live comfortably. On the other hand, if Stan could maintain the business with minimal effort, there would be an additional source of cash flow to enhance his balance sheet. Furthermore, he would have an asset to sell or leave to his heirs. Stan has some exciting prospects to consider.

For more reading on growing your independent consulting business, check out these links.

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Jim Weber, Managing Partner – ITB Partners

Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

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Before You Start a Business, Consider This!

So, you want to own a business.  You have an idea for a product or service that the market needs. You want to be rich.  You have studied other successful startups and understand the factors for success.  You have moved past friends and family who have tried to dissuade you from your goal.  You have the funds and a plan to get your business off the ground. You are confident of success.  But have you considered everything you need to know?

Many successful entrepreneurs begin by forming a Board of Directors.     An Advisory Board will provide a broader perspective, improving the effectiveness of your decisions.   The advice you receive will minimize costly mistakes which could otherwise doom your business. Board members may receive a stipend, or they may be volunteers. Voluntary advisory boards have become commonplace for many startups. Talking with organizations like Score and finding a mentor are additional resources to consider.

Find Low-Cost Ways to Advertise

Now Hear This!

Getting the word out about your business doesn’t need to cost much money. Begin by establishing an online presence. Potential customers will want to visit your website.  Be proactive.  Provide answers to common questions, making it easier to convert their interest into sales.  If you have not done so already, create social media channels for your brand. Facebook and Twitter are popular places to start. Depending on the demographics of your target market, you may want to try others, too. If you are targeting older individuals, a direct mail campaign could be the most cost-effective solution.

Consider Running a Special

 To increase the probability of generating a sale, offer a special one-time deal, like a two-for-one promotion or a gift. You might do the same for current customers who refer friends or family members. When someone purchases your product or services, please give them a reason to continue trading with you.  Consider offering discounts for future purchases. These sales tactics can kickstart your business and give you the financial boost you seek.

Determine Which Functions to Outsource

 Savvy entrepreneurs know that managing labor is a critical component for success.  They live by the principle of “do what you do best and let others do the rest.”  We are fortunate to live in a time when we can contract relatively inexpensive outside resources.  To ensure accuracy and minimize risk, outsourcing financial management and payroll is advisable. Outsourcing recovers time to focus on more urgent tasks. Using an automatic payroll solution provides other benefits, like automatic calculations and paying taxes. Payroll apps are  available for both iOS and Android. Taking on too much responsibility can lead to burnout and costly mistakes. Think about outsourcing to reduce stress and improve your productivity.


 Improve Your Business Acumen

 As your business grows, your focus will shift to your management and leadership skills. Taking college-level business courses or earning an MBA could be a difference-maker. Unlike a traditional college experience, online degree programs make it easier to maintain your business while you learn.  Continually update your skills to ensure long-term success.

Adjust Your Business Plan as Needed

Although business plans look good on paper, actual results seldom unfold as envisioned. You must monitor your results consistently and adjust accordingly. Click To Tweet Be flexible and willing to take steps to keep your company on track.

Financial setbacks can happen to anyone.  They can be incredibly distracting when you are trying to establish a new business. You may feel discouraged and lose confidence in yourself. Well-meaning family and friends may pressure you to get a traditional job and forgo your dreams altogether.  Don’t let setbacks discourage you from pursuing your dreams of entrepreneurship.  Expect to suffer difficult situations.  Build contingencies into your plan to weather challenging times.

New Century Dynamics provides excellent executive search and management consulting to the service industry. To learn how New Century Dynamics can help your business, contact James E. Weber at

Derek Goodman

Image via Pixabay

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Jim Weber, Managing Partner – ITB Partners

Jim Weber – Managing Partner,  ITB Partners

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