The Bridge to “There!”

March 15, 2020

I taught my grandsons there are only two places in the entire universe:  “Here” and “There!”

When one would ask if I had seen his baseball glove, I would respond, “No, it’s not here. So it must be there!” They thought that was pretty neat and I would overhear them telling their brothers the same thing!

So as a business owner, you should know where you ARE – you have your numbers.  But where do you WANT to be – say in 5 years? Where is your THERE?? What does it look and feel like? Why do you want to get there?

Having worked with hundreds of business owners domestically and internationally, I am always saddened to have a client tell me they don’t know or aren’t sure where they want to be in that time frame.

I remind them of what the Cheshire Cat told Alice, “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there!” But that “there” may not be the “there” where you intended to go!

No one disputes the necessity of planning, but the truth is that many business owners spend more time planning a vacation or a hunting trip than planning the future of their business.

I believe the primary reason is that the cares of the daily operation of the business choke out the priority of setting aside time to do the reflection necessary for a clear path forward. Stephen Covey wrote about the conflict in his seminal book First Things First, where he addressed the URGENT against the IMPORTANT.

In Quadrant I are the Urgent AND Important issues; these are the fires that have to be put out to keep the business running. Operational breakdowns, bad quality, customer complaints, delayed shipments, employee disagreements, and the list goes on!

Quadrant II is where the Important issues that are NOT Urgent reside.  This is where ALL the important issues of life reside: date night with the spouse, attending the kid’s ballgame or dance recital, reading important literature, meditating/praying, planning, reflecting, taking care of our health. We all recognize the importance of these activities in our lives, but our spouse won’t divorce us if we miss a date night – – – the fires burn up our relationships.

The paradox of this is that the ONLY way to get control of Quadrant I is to camp out in Quadrant II! Do the planning necessary to PREVENT the fires in the first place!

Let’s be honest, charting the path for a business five years out can be a daunting exercise, but it is essential to arrive at our “There!”

Strategic planning is of paramount importance. If you would like more information, feel free to contact me for a FREE 45-minute “The Bridge to There” presentation in your operation. Get a high-level view of what your future path can be!

Ralph Watson

Ralph Watson has a varied and extensive career spanning 45 years of increasingly responsible positions in both sales and operations in a very diverse mix of industry specialties, including food processing, textile and apparel, financial services, and professional management consulting.



Ralph served as a Senior Executive Analyst with a number of international consulting companies focused on the family-owned, privately held market where he distinguished himself as one of the top analysts in a highly competitive field.  In early 2014, he personally coached 10 businesses in Europe.

Ralph C. Watson, Jr.    404.520.1030

Thank you for visiting our blog.

Jim Weber – Managing Partner, ITB Partners

I hope you enjoyed our point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox.  Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so; please leave a comment.

Jim Weber – Managing Partner, ITB Partners

Plant a Pine Tree!

Do you know the best time to plant a pine tree?


Do you know the best time to plan your exit strategy??

The first day you stick the key into the front door of your new office!

Franklin Covey said, “Start with the end in view!”

I know in the excitement of launching a new venture and all the chaos that ultimately ensues, an exit strategy is the LAST thing on an aspiring business tycoon wants to consider.  The problem is that once it is pushed to the back burner, it tends to stay there for the next 30-40 years!

So let’s compromise!  If you are 55 years old and own a business, it is time to start giving serious consideration regarding what your ultimate destination will be.  An “Exit Strategy” is about selling the business off and a “Succession Plan” is about passing it down to the next generation, but both demand serious consideration well before you are ready to step away.

Two realities must align at the same time to maximize the value of a business: The owner must be mentally and emotionally prepared to walk away from a business they birthed and nurtured for the last 30-40 years AND the business must be structured to operate without the daily oversight of the owner and generating the highest level of profitability possible. Invariably, the business owners get to the finish line before the business is ready to command its highest multiple!

Now a good M&A guy can recast your financials to take out the country club membership and the spouse’s Cadillac, but if profits have been leaking out of the business, there just isn’t enough lipstick to make that pig win the blue ribbon!

The reason a 10-year runway is advised is to be able to make any necessary corrections in the business and run at that higher level for at least 3 to 5 years prior to going to market to demonstrate sustainable profitability.

As Dr. Ortego used to say, “The VALUE of a thing is the PRICE it will bring!”

Plan NOW to MAXimize Your Exit!!


Ralph Watson

Ralph Watson has a varied and extensive career spanning 45 years of increasingly responsible positions in both sales and operations in a very diverse mix of industry specialties, including food processing, textile and apparel, financial services, and professional management consulting.

Ralph served as a Senior Executive Analyst with a number of international consulting companies focused on the family-owned, privately held market where he distinguished himself as one of the top analysts in a highly competitive field.  In early 2014, he personally coached 10 businesses in Europe.

Ralph C. Watson, Jr.   404-520-1030

Thank you for visiting our blog.

I hope you enjoyed our point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox.  Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so; please leave a comment.

Jim Weber – Managing Partner, ITB Partners



The Laws of Growth

Growing up on a small farm in South Georgia, I learned at an early age there were laws that governed the growth of crops and animals. Now as an adult I hear everyone talking about growing a business, growing a family, growing a political party, growing a church – it seems like everybody is trying to grow something!! It has occurred to me that the Laws of Growth I learned on the farm about growing an organism might also apply to grow an organization.

The First Law of Growth is that Growth is the NATURAL RESULT of a healthy organism.  We did not go out every morning and wake the cows up and encourage them to grow! We kept them fed and watered and they just grew!  For those of you who have children, you never had to go in the baby’s room and tell Junior it was time to start stretching so he would grow! You just had to keep him fed and watered and he grew!

May I be so bold as to suggest that if we have a healthy organization, it too will naturally grow?  If we build an organization where people want to work and contribute, they will not want to leave and will become a brand ambassador for other people looking for a healthy work environment. And our clients and customers will benefit from their loyalty and will want to purchase as many of our products and services as they can use, and they too will become brand ambassadors for others needing what you provide!

So how do you go about creating that healthy organization?

The Second Law of Growth is you must Plant the Seeds to Reap a Harvest. You can’t just lay the seeds on top of the ground and expect to reap anything on the farm, and you can’t just talk about what you’re going to do, you must actually DO something!

You have to break up the fallow ground, plow it up, loosen the soil, allow it to breathe and accept rainwater! When is the last time you took a long, hard look at how you do what it is that you do? How long have you been doing the same old thing the same old way? Are there parts of your organization that needs the refreshing of a good plowing?

Now, this is not the “just change something to be changing” mantra, but would any of your key people benefit from some additional training or a motivational seminar?  Are there processes that could be changed to produce better outcomes? Would it help to have a consultant or outside advisor come in and give your organization a complete evaluation top to bottom? What would happen in your organization if you pulled your salespeople into work in operations and sent your operations people out to make sales calls – even for a short period of time?

It has been said that a RUT is just a grave with the ends knocked out and ruts can be deadly in an organization if not plowed up!

The Third Law is you REAP what you SOW! This could be a book in itself!  You will reap the ATTITUDE you sow! You will reap the employees you hire! You will reap the character you develop! You will reap the policies you implement!

On the farm, it didn’t cost much more to purchase the BEST seeds, and, in the long run, they always gave the best yield. Might I propose that hiring the best people will, in the long run, be your best bargain? Hiring less than the best is a false economy – you will always get what you pay for!

The Fourth Law is that your Harvest is directly proportional to the care you provide your crops. You have to make sure your plants are receiving adequate water and fertilizer, and your employees must be receiving adequate compensation and training!  Your clients and customers must be receiving high-touch relationships and quality products and services! Start being stingy and your organization will react.

The Fifth Law is you must PULL the WEEDS! If there is someone in your organization that is not contributing, either motivate them, train them or fire them.  If there is anyone sowing discord, fire them immediately. Crops cannot compete with weeds for water and fertilizer and your employees are not going to thrive with negativity in their world.  And dare I say sometimes a client or customer can become a weed.  Don’t be afraid to fire one of them if they are creating more problems than they are worth.

The Sixth Law is you will always reap MORE than you sow!  For every seed of corn you plant, you will reap 2 to 4 EARS of corn come the harvest!  There should be a positive ROI on every employee and every customer, and that ROI is going to be influenced by how well the leader leads. Unfortunately, this law also works in the negative – reaping more grief than was sown.

The Seventh Law is you reap LATER than you sow! There is no magic wand to instantly create a healthy organization.  It takes time for the efforts you put in to produce the results you are wanting, but don’t let that discourage you from starting the process. Consider it motivation to start NOW!  Get a sense of urgency about creating a great organization.

So, in closing, I recall the words of Kevin Costner in The Field of Dreams, you build a healthy organization and they will come! Employees will come! Clients and customers will come! Profits will come!

Ralph Watson

Ralph Watson has a varied and extensive career spanning 45 years of increasingly responsible positions in both sales and operations in a very diverse mix of industry specialties, including food processing, textile and apparel, financial services, and professional management consulting.

Ralph served as a Senior Executive Analyst with a number of international consulting companies focused on the family-owned, privately held market where he distinguished himself as one of the top analysts in a highly competitive field.  In early 2014, he personally coached 10 businesses in Europe.

Ralph C. Watson, Jr.   404-520-1030

Thank you for visiting our blog.

I hope you enjoyed our point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox.  Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so; please leave a comment.

Jim Weber – Managing Partner, ITB Partners


The Isolation of Ownership

Bottomline First: Owners don’t really have anyone to talk to about their problems. Reach out to those in your care.

Outside of a preacher in a small church, I don’t know of a more lonely calling than a small business owner.

I will often ask them, “Do you know what your friends think of you?”

They look at me with stunned incredulity since I had only met them a couple of hours earlier and know none of their friends.

I proceed to tell them, “Your friends think they have it made, they think you come and go as you please, hire people to do what you don’t want to do and write it all off on your taxes!!  They think you have the Life of Riley!”

Then they say, “You know, you are absolutely right!”

And I assure them if they try to convince their friends just how hard it is owning a business, they think you are pulling their leg!

And THIS is during the GOOD times!  The loneliness is only getting worse in the economic environment of the day!

Many times business owners will become overly friendly with their employees to cope with their isolation knowing they get the day-to-day stresses with which the owner is dealing. But that becomes a management problem within the business and makes it almost unthinkable to furlough them when times get tough.

Business owners are seen as “having it all together” not only by their friends and the public at large but also by their families.  I can’t tell you how many times I have interviewed a business owner during an analytical survey of their company who was showing a loss on their P&L only to discover he (or she) had not told their spouse. And let’s be honest, men, we are more guilty of this than our sisters-in-business. That stinkin’ EGO of ours gets us in trouble and then cuts off the support we so desperately need!

So to you advisors of these stalwart but hurting heroes of our economy, reach out to them! They need to know there are people and places that can be safe for them to unmask their pain.

Bankers, attorneys, wealth advisors, CPAs, insurance agents, consultants, accounting firms, HR firms – any trusted advisor in their life can just BE THERE for them and let them know it is OK for them to share anything that is bothering them.

If you are in a role they might not feel comfortable due to the business relationship (like their banker), try suggesting they might want to talk to a friend of yours.

As Charles Dickens wrote in the Tale of Two Cities, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of time…”  We have been brutally snatched out of “the best of times” and forced into what is arguably “the worst of times.”

As a man of faith, I would that all men and women would seek guidance from the Creator of us all to lean into Him and His wisdom for our individual and corporate deliverance.

Let’s all be there for each other as we walk through the valley of shadows.

Ralph Watson

Ralph Watson has a varied and extensive career spanning 45 years of increasingly responsible positions in both sales and operations in a very diverse mix of industry specialties, including food processing, textile and apparel, financial services, and professional management consulting.



Ralph served as a Senior Executive Analyst with a number of international consulting companies focused on the family-owned, privately held market where he distinguished himself as one of the top analysts in a highly competitive field.  In early 2014, he personally coached 10 businesses in Europe.

Ralph C. Watson, Jr.    404.520.1030

Business & The Virus

A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself (or ‘seeks refuge’): but the simple pass on, and are punished.  Proverbs 22:3

Ralph Watson

Regardless of where Covid-19 originated, it is an actual virus and it is among us.

Mass hysteria has gripped our country emptying our grocery stores and gun shops and tanking our economy. I’m not making a political statement nor placing blame.  I am simply acknowledging the current reality of our world and the tragic effect it is having on our businesses, large and small.

Let me invite you to step away from the madness for a few minutes for a dispassionate chat about our current situation.

At this point, there is precious little we can do with the country on lockdown.  Our customers are not circulating in the marketplace, but are rather cocooned in their homes possibly shopping online. That doesn’t mean we can’t do ANYthing!

In his seminal book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey presented his Time Management Matrix exposing the relationship between Urgent tasks and Important tasks.

Quadrant I was the “Urgent & Important” containing all the fires that business owners face all day long: operational breakdowns, customer complaints, employee disagreements, accounts receivables, job bidding, and the list goes on ad infinitum! This is the quadrant in which we spend most of our waking business hours.

Quadrant II was the “Important but NOT Urgent” containing – honestly – all the most important issues of life: date night with the spouse, children’s ball game or dance recital, thinking & planning, reading important literature, praying or meditating, taking care of our health and on it goes.

The paradox of these two quadrants is that the ONLY way to get Quadrant I under control is to camp out in Quadrant II and DO the Important work of strategic business planning and management self-improvement! As you are able to become proactive and look down the road to see potential dangers, you are able to make those provisions to avoid the fires and reduce the size and tyranny of Quadrant I.

Although this may be the first time our current living generation has seen what is happening, it is not the first time for our country.  Let me acknowledge that during the Great Depression, there were bakeries that went out of business – but there were bakeries that survived. There were clothing stores that went out of business, but there were clothing stores that made it.

The point is that no business segment vanished. Some businesses in every category made it in spite of so many of their competitors folding for good.  So while we are all currently forced out of Quadrant I, now is a great time to take full advantage of the situation to get seriously deep into Quadrant II and not squander this unique opportunity to Be Greater Faster!

Read a management book. Call friends who own businesses to talk about common issues. Engage with a professional consultant – a generalist if you need overall help, or a specialist if you feel you need specific help like marketing. Reconnect with distant family. Get spiritually recentered.

Now maybe a good time to do a deep clean on your business. If you own a restaurant, pull all your equipment from the wall and clean behind that greasy frier and refrigerator. If you have inventory, get it straightened up, pull inactive SKUs and sell them off online if you can. Take a close look at your shop floor to see if there is a better way to improve the flow of production.

Now is NOT a time for deer-in-the-headlights paralysis!

If you need inspiration, reach out to someone you can trust!

Ralph C. Watson, Jr.     404.520.1030

Thank you for visiting our blog.

Jim Weber – Managing Partner, ITB Partners

I hope you enjoyed our point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox.  Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so; please leave a comment.

Jim Weber – Managing Partner, ITB Partners

The BEST Consultant!


Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counselors, there is safety.  Proverbs 11:14

I have a lot of professional friends who are consultants in a variety of fields of discipline, as am I. So this blog post is not intended to slam any of them or any other consultant or advisor.

I’ve worked with hundreds of business owners over the years and I came to the realization over time that businesses try to talk to their owners!

A business will try to tell their owner if someone is stealing from them, or if their scrap or rework is too high if their marketing isn’t working, which employees are most valuable, which customers are making the most of their profits if their productivity is slipping, and on and on – – –

The question I then ask these business owners is: “Do you have the ‘ears’ to hear what your business has been trying to tell you for the last 20  years?”

It’s humorous when they non-verbally shake their head side-to-side, acknowledging that in fact, they can’t!  Their business IS their VERY Best consultant, but they can’t understand what it is trying to tell them because they do not have it structured to provide its wisdom in an understandable “language.”

It’s like a radio station broadcasting EVERYTHING about the business 24/7, but the business owner doesn’t have their “receiver” set to the proper frequency!

You may have seen the NetSuite commercial where the founder says, “If you don’t know your numbers, you don’t know your business!”  And he is absolutely right!

Most business owners understand the fundamentals of a P&L – income and expenses over time. They can look down the expense sheet, see “Telephone” “$350!” “Got it!”

But put a Balance Sheet in front of them and the fog starts rolling in!  And most have never even heard of a Statement of Cash Flows!

But this “Three-legged Stool” is designed by CPAs to primarily do their taxes, and they are by design and utility, historical records – a ‘backward’ look at the business. In a sense, it is like driving down the road with the windshield of their truck painted black trying to steer by looking in the rearview mirror!

Business owners need FORWARD-looking management reports that can tell them on a daily, or even minute-to-minute, basis, where they are going.

One critical report is an Exception or Variance Report! But the business owner MUST have a BUDGET before they can have an “exception!”

I always ask the business owner if they have a budget, and if they say “No,” I assure them that they DO in fact have a budget, the only question is: “Who wrote it?”  Because if the business OWNER did not write the budget, the BUSINESS is writing it for them!  And it is an UNCONTROLLED Budget!!  Not one that drives increased profitability!

The other essential forward-looking management report is a KPI or Flash Report or a Dashboard report that captures all the data most relevant to the performance of the business. These must be custom designed from an in-depth analysis of the business and its processes.

In closing, many small to mid-market, privately held companies need help with their basic accounting package to get their Chart of Accounts cleaned up and a budget added to their system. Another sign that this has to be a priority is if there are maverick spreadsheets or other rogue financial reports being utilized in the operation OUTSIDE of the main accounting system.

So, take heart, my fellow consultants!!  Just get comfortable being the SECOND BEST consultant your client has AFTER you help them get their financial reporting house in order!!

Ralph C. Watson, Jr.  404.520.1030

Thank you for visiting our blog.

Jim Weber – Managing Partner, ITB Partners

I hope you enjoyed our point of view and would like to receive regular posts directly to your email inbox.  Toward this end, put your contact information on my mailing list.

Your feedback helps me continue to publish articles that you want to read.  Your input is very important to me so; please leave a comment.

Jim Weber – Managing Partner, ITB Partners